Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Establishing a culture of awareness

At MCQST we believe in the strength of an open atmosphere and equal opportunity. Following the DFG's research-backed standards on gender equality, we want to achieve a better working environment for everyone by implementing strong values, such as consistency, transparency, competitiveness, competence, and maintaining a forward-looking orientation.

The Equal Opportunity Program of the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology aims to open up academic life to a diverse group of people. Its goal is to unite individual life plans and a career in academia. This means that MCQST pursues equal opportunity in respect of gender, family, and diversity.

Any suggestions or inquiries are very welcome.

Mari Carmen Banuls Ⓒ J. Greune (MPQ)

Mentoring Program

The MCQST Mentoring Program is designed for women and gender minorities within MCQST. The program pairs early-career scientists with mentors of their choosing, while also providing many networking and development opportunities among the mentees.


Distinguished PostDoc

MCQST aims to increase the number of female scientists in Quantum Science and Technology (QST) across all career stages. To encourage the hiring of exceptional female scientists, MCQST provides one-year fellowships for postdoctoral researchers. The hosting MCQST group commits to funding another year through alternate means.


Diversity in Leadership

The Diversity in Leadership Program (DiL) is specially designed for future leaders in Quantum Science and Technology. The program consists of a series of workshops and talks designed to evoke questions and help you develop a more equitable leadership style.

© Pixabay

Family Life

MCQST strives to create a family-friendly framework in order to enable academic careers. Whether you are taking care of your children or parents, we can support....

mpq_colors © MPQ / Jan Greune

PIs for Diversity

To implement top-down change, MCQST provides customized training, workshops, and talks for PIs, group leaders, and senior researchers. We propose events, but are open to alternative formats tailored to individual groups and research needs.

Tall grass field at golden hour. © Kent Pilcher (Unspash)

Mental Health

Working in research can be compared to doing competitive sports.* As with any muscle that is exercised a lot, working with the mind can exhaust and strain it. Like professional athletes, scientists in academia should give their mind the time and resources to stay fit and healthy. The opposite is often the case.
Like a professional athlete you need to take care of your body and mind. MCQST wants to support you in this endeavor

The Equal Opportunity Office

Equal Opportunity Managers

The Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) was established to centralize and organize diversity related activities. It is led by the Equal Opportunity Managers (EOM) Dr. Bañuls, Prof. Bloch, and Prof. Warzel. The presence of one of EOMs at the Executive Committee meetings is mandatory. Consequently, at least one Equal Opportunity Manager is involved in all decision-making processes, especially those regarding staff, recruiting, and allocation of resources as a member of the Executive Committee.

The Role of the Diversity Coordinator

The Diversity Coordinator’s position was created to help and support you in case of discrimination, in any way that you want and need. This means that you can also contact us, if need to talk to a person of trust in order to place situations and scenarios. Any form of contact will be handled confidentially and not passed on to third parties except if explicitly agreed on.

Please feel free to contact the MCQST Diversity Coordinator, Barbara Tautz, with any issues related to equal opportunity.

Mari Carmen Bañuls

Tensor Networks and Quantum Many-Body Systems

Equal Opportunity Manager
RU-B Co-coordinator

Group Webpage

Immanuel Bloch

Quantum Many Body Systems

MCQST Speaker
Equal Opportunity Manager
RU-B Co-coordinator

Group Webpage

Simone Warzel

Mathematical Physics

Equal Opportunity Manager
RU-F Co-coordinator

Research Webpage

Barbara Tautz

Guest Program & Diversity



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