Guest Program & Diversity
Schellingstr. 4 | Room H519
80799 Munich
Tel. +49 89 2180 6156
It is exciting and inspiring to work with researchers in such cutting-edge fields as quantum science and quantum technology. The innovation in the field is incredible!
Barbara Tautz studied English and comparative literature, philosophy and theology at the LMU, Heythrop College (University of London) and the University Caen Normandie. During her PhD in philosophy at the University of Cologne she was a visiting researcher at the University of Copenhagen. In her studies, Barbara combined different disciplines to investigate postcolonial and gender theory as well as postmodern thought. She put theory into practice in various internships in the field of international exchange and diversity management.
Barbara joined MCQST in 2019.
Main responsibilities within MCQST include:
- International guest program
- Coordinator of MCQST colloquium
- Coordinator of equal opportunity program
- Coordinator of diversity program