MCQST – Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Good Practice
The Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) promotes an environment where all members are supported as individuals and scientists. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, disability, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation or identity. We aim to create a vibrant, diverse, and inclusive community that encourages productive collaborations to advance scientific excellence and education.
Our commitment to integrity, respect, diversity, equity, and inclusion instructs our code of conduct and guidelines for good practice. It applies to all members of our community, visitors, and participants at all our events:
- Treat others with respect and as fellow researchers and colleagues. Be courteous in your interactions and honest and open in your professional conduct.
- Conduct your research and support the research of others with integrity, and according to the highest scientific standards.
- Recognize the achievements of others, and give credit where it is due to promote the open exchange of ideas and thoughts. Mind good ethical practices regarding copyright and intellectual property.
- Uphold a constructive, inspiring, and professional atmosphere by fostering trust and cooperation and by respecting individual capabilities and boundaries.
- Challenge disrespectful behavior toward individuals or groups of people, regardless of whether they are present or not. Speak up or report to the MCQST Equal Opportunity Office if you experience or witness bullying or harassment of any kind.
In accordance with the Basic Law of the Republic of Germany [1], the General Act on Equal Treatment [2], and the Higher Educations Law [3], we do not tolerate discrimination, bullying, or harassment of any form [4] at any MCQST workplace or event organized or funded by MCQST.
[1] Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Art. 3, 2.
[2] AGG § 1 (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz)
[3] Bayerisches Hochschulgesetz (BayHSchG), Art. 4, 1; this includes disability in accordance with BayHSchG Art. 2, 3.
[4] Leitfaden: Diskriminierungsschutz an Hochschulen, p. 8, available at: und Sexuelle Belästigung im Hochschulkontext.
To report any violation of the Code of Conduct, contact the Equal Opportunity Managers:
Immanuel Bloch -
Mari Carmen Banuls -
Simone Warzel -
When receiving a personal report, we will ensure confidentiality and your safety and will respect your wishes on how to proceed.
The Equal Opportunity Office
Mari Carmen Bañuls
Tensor Networks and Quantum Many-Body Systems
Equal Opportunity Manager
RU-B Co-coordinator

Immanuel Bloch
Quantum Many Body Systems
MCQST Speaker
Equal Opportunity Manager
RU-B Co-coordinator