IMPRS & MCQST Supervision Award
The IMPRS & MCQST Supervision Award aims to recognize exceptional commitment in the supervision of doctoral students and postdocs within our academic community. By highlighting outstanding supervision, we seek to raise the standards of good supervision and emphasize its crucial role in fostering academic and professional growth.
What defines Good Supervision?
The criteria below outline the essential aspects defining good supervision, which should be considered for the nomination and selection processes:
- Transparency and clarity of duties and responsibilities for both the student/postdoc and supervisor from the start and maintained throughout the research project.
- Adherence to good research practices as defined by DFG guidelines.
- Quality of communication, including accessibility, regularity, honesty, and constructive feedback.
- Cultivation of an inspiring research culture and an inclusive group environment.
- Securing funding for the research project throughout the duration of the doctoral study.
- Ensuring timely completion of the research project within reasonable timeframes.
- Provision of publication support.
- Promotion of academic development through participation in scientific events and facilitation of networking within the scientific community.
- Guidance and support in professional development, including opportunities to aquire of career-related skills.
If you have any concerns about supervision, we encourage you to reach out to the MCQST EDI coordinator ( or IMPRS coordinator ( All matters will be handled with complete confidentiality.

How to evaluate your supervisor
- All IMPRS and MCQST PhD candidates and postdocs are invited to participate in a survey and have the option to nominate their supervisors based on their survey responses and reflections.
- To nominate a supervisor, you must provide a short statement at the end of the survey explaining why your answers to the survey questions are positive and why your supervisory relationship is exceptional, detailing aspects that made it particularly exemplary.
- The nomination statement will play a crucial role in the selection process for the award.
- Both the survey and the statement are anonymous, please make sure to name your supervisor explicitly.
The survey is open between November 1 and November 30 and evaluates various aspects of supervision through a series of questions.
Participate in the survey and nominate your supervisor!
Eligibility and Selection
- All IMPRS & MCQST PIs are eligible for the award
- A panel comprising the PhD and Postdoc Representatives, as well as team members of the IMPRS & MCQST office will evaluate the proposals and select the awardees
- The recipients of the award will be announced during the MCQST General Assembly (January 29th, 2025)