Seminar Series: NQS meets EQT


MCQST community

Creating synergies: PhD students kick-started a series of seminars to foster closer collaborations within MCQST.

NQS meets EQT

Lukas Schleicher, Timo Sommer, and Agnes Zinth, doctoral students from Prof. Eva Weig's and Prof. Meno Poot's research groups organized a workshop to foster collaboration, supported by funding from the MCQST Students Retreat initiative. Prof. Weig's group (NQS) at the TUM School of Computation, Information, and Technology and Prof. Poot's group (EQT) at the TUM School of Natural Science are leaders in fabricating nanomechanical systems, which have significant applications in quantum sensing and quantum communication. The workshop aimed to establish scientific and personal connections, facilitating knowledge exchange between PhD students and postdocs.

During the workshop, both groups, which share common research interests and materials but use different methods, explored ways they can collaborate. This will hopefully lead to new joint projects, as well as shared expertise in measurement setups and fabrication techniques. The workshop aligns with MCQST's mission to foster synergies and interdisciplinary collaborations.

The workshop organizers, Lukas Schleicher, Timo Sommer, and Agnes Zinth share some insight into their motivation behind this initiative.

What do you want to achieve with this series of seminars?
The primary objective of organizing this series of seminars is to foster knowledge exchange, collaboration, and skill development among young researchers in the field of optomechanics. Given the special needs in fabrication of optomechanical devices, we wanted to build this platform of exchange. With the various perspectives in the in areas such as precision sensing, quantum technologies, and integrated photonics, there is a critical need to provide a platform for emerging researchers to present their latest findings, engage in discussions, and network with peers.

How did you come to the idea to organize the seminar?
Inspired by MCQST meetings and conferences, we wanted to use the potential and synergies in the Munich ecosystem.

Why is exchange and networking important for your work?
Exchange and networking are essential components of our work in optomechanics as they enable us to stay abreast of the latest developments, forge collaborations, and expand our scientific horizons. Optomechanics is inherently interdisciplinary, drawing upon principles from optics, mechanics, and materials science, among other fields. Furthermore, there are a lot of synergies we can use. From inspiring exchange on theoretical concepts to hands-on tricks in fabrication or administrative conditions, there are many things to exchange also on an informal way. So creative and new formats seemed to be the proper way to complement traditional formats like conferences.

The MCQST Students Retreat initiative encourages innovative ideas and cooperation early on in academic careers. The exact format and topic for retreats, workshops, or seminars, are up to the organizers to define themselves.

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