Stories of Science

Stories of Science: A Fusion of Art and Quantum Science

In a unique collaboration between the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) and Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, a series of short films has been created, each offering a distinct artistic interpretation of quantum science.

In November 2023, visual communication students from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar met with MCQST researchers for a kick-off workshop in Munich. During two intensive days, the students delved into the world of quantum science, gaining firsthand insights into current research. They met local researchers, toured our laboratories, and by the end of the workshop, initial ideas were already taking shape and teams were forming.

Arts students were paired with MCQST scientific consultants, and over the following months, these teams worked together to identify topics, develop concepts, craft stories, and select unique styles to bring their visions to life.

. Ralph Caspers, well-known for his work on science programs "Sendung mit der Maus" and "Quarks", acted as consultant on the short films and during the study program.

The results, as diverse and creative as the teams themselves, offering fresh perspectives from outside the world of physics premiered on 15 July at ARRI Kino in Munich. Attendees were treated to a captivating evening, gaining insights into the creative and multifaceted world of science, all wonderfully moderated by Ralph Caspers.

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