5 December 2022

Lukas Sigl

Lukas Sigl - Walter Schottky Institute, TUM

1. Briefly describe your current position/project, research focus, and your role within MCQST.

Currently, I am involved in the new education program “QL3 – Quantum LifeLong Learning”. QL3 is a joint program of the TU Munich and the LMU to set up a training program in the field of quantum technologies. This program is intended to reach specialists and managers from a wide variety of industries and to combine the latest research results with practical challenges. Besides that, I am still involved a little bit in my former PhD topic on excitons in two-dimensional materials.


2. What is your role in the QL3 project, and what is that experience like?

I am part of a small team that is responsible for developing, testing, and giving the QL3 lectures. Right now, we are finalizing the first two courses on quantum computing and quantum technologies that will start next year in January. During this year, my job was basically to learn as much as possible on all aspects of quantum technologies and to condense all information to a compact course. I really enjoyed the studying with a steep learning curve.

During this year, my job was basically to learn as much as possible on all aspects of quantum technologies and to condense all information to a compact course. I really enjoyed the studying with a steep learning curve.

3. What was the biggest challenge you overcame or faced in your work the last year?

Maybe not the biggest challenge, but the most interesting challenge last year for me was to understand the violation of Bell’s inequality with entangled photons. In QL3, we can do this experiment easily on the so called “Quantenkoffer” (see the picture obove), but it took me quite some time to understand the fascinating consequences of this experiment on the interpretation of quantum mechanics.

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