18 December 2022

Frank Pollmann

Frank Pollmann - TUM

1. Briefly describe your current position/project, research focus, and your role within MCQST.

I am Professor at the Physics Department at TUM and my research focusses on Condensed Matter Theory. In our research, we investigate quantum systems that support novel quantum phases of matter with fascinating properties. For this we develop new numerical methods as well as quantum algorithms.


2. Why did you choose your field of research and what keeps you motivated?​

I find it truly fascinating how very complex behavior can emerge from simple rules. Even systems made of simple microscopic constituents often reveal, upon cooling to low temperatures, astonishingly complex behaviors—for example certain materials become superconducting and other become magnetic. Understanding these emergent properties of a system composed of many interacting quantum particles is a central problem in theoretical physics.

3. Do you have any special/unique holiday traditions?​

We like to decorate our Christmas tree, spend some quiet time at home, and bake our favorite cookies. We also enjoy to spend some of the time in the mountains to enjoy the snow.

"I find it truly fascinating how very complex behavior can emerge from simple rules."

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