Dr. Jonathan Noé - Qlibri & LMU Munich
1. Briefly describe your current position and research project.
Currently I am working as Co-leader (Post Doc) at the spin-off Project Qlibri, where we use optical micro-resonators to build an ultra-sensitive absorption microscope and a versatile quantum optics experiment platform.
2. How does a typical workday look like for you?
My day usually consists of 1 hour of writing emails, one internal strategic meeting and one customer/beta tester meeting. The rest of the day I support our students and Post Docs and improve (mostly in a team) the performance, usability and design of our technology.
3. What was the biggest challenge you overcame this year?
The biggest challenge in 2020 was securing a prestigious EXIST Forschungstransfer funding (for 30 months) competing with many excellent and innovative ideas. This included a written proposal and the production of a 10-minute video clip presenting our idea. Especially the video format was new to all of us and was challenging, however also fun and we are very happy with the result.
4. Tell us a little bit about your Spin-Off - Qlibri, how the idea came to life and future plans.
The idea for our Start-up is based on the PhD thesis (2019) of Dr. Thomas Hümmer (LS Hänsch). We discussed the huge improvements regarding sensitivity, speed and costs of a cavity-based microscope during the coffee break at a conference and instantly enthused two professors about the idea.
In the last two years we received funding from the EU, MCQST, and the German government which enabled us to secure an EXIST Forschungstransfer grant. With this funding we will further develop our product lines QUANTUM, NANO, and BIO with the feedback of pilot customers and improve our production of fiber-based micro-resonators. Our team consists of four Post Docs, two master and one working students and we are always looking for interested students. Furthermore, we are always open for collaborations with research groups that are interested in our technology, especially inside MCQST!