Prof. Dr. Christian Back - TU München
Briefly describe your research focus and role within MCQST.
I lead the group “experimental physics of functional spin systems” at the physics department of TU Munich and within MCQST we study the interaction of microwave photons with magnons in solid state systems. I was also involved in establishing the new QST master program.
How does a typical work day look like for you?
Usually I answer he most urgent e-mails in the morning at home and then bike about 20 km to work. I try to talk to all members of my group at least once a day and stop by all the laboratories. At TUM I spend most of my time with organisational issues. I do most of my scientific work like reading and writing proposals or papers at home in the evening. Since teaching is now online, I prepare and record lectures at home.
What are the challenges and joys of supervising young researchers for you?
My group is very diverse and I enjoy working with very different characters from different cultures. On the other hand, this is also the biggest challenge. Individuals are very different and finding a balance in the team is not always easy.