Dr. Aisha Aqeel - TU Munich
I am working as a postdoctoral researcher at Technical University of Munich in the group of Experimental Physics of Functional Spin Systems. Being an experimentalist, mostly my day starts with initializing the measurement equipment, cooling the system down with liquid helium if needed and last but not least a cup of coffee. There are also days when I only analyze my data and plan for next experiments at my desk.

I am still very happy that even after taking good care of social distancing require in this situation, we are all together, working as a team and progressing our research at a good speed.
I am working on Quantum Matter research unit of MCQST focusing on the understanding of quantum phases of Matter. In this COVID time the most challenging situation for us is usually during sample fabrication when whole fabrication lab room need to be booked for a single experiment and can be used only by two people in this duration. However, I am still very happy that even after taking good care of social distancing require in this situation, we are all together, working as a team and progressing our research at a good speed. My main research goal is to find new functional magnetic systems suitable for future quantum-hybrid systems. In this journey, my first material of choice is a magnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3 that hosts topologically protected magnetic whirls known as skyrmions.