Mimetic inflation and self-reproduction
A. H. Chamseddine, M. Khaldieh, V. Mukhanov
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2023, 22 (2023).
It is shown how self-reproduction can be easily avoided in the inflationary universe, even when inflation starts at Planck scales. This is achieved by a simple coupling of the inflaton potential with a mimetic field. In this case, the problem of fine-tuning of the initial conditions does not arise, while eternal inflation and the multiverse with all their widely discussed problems are avoided.

Discrete gravity
A. H. Chamseddine, V. Mukhanov
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021, 13 (2021).
We assume that the points in volumes smaller than an elementary volume (which may have a Planck size) are indistinguishable in any physical experiment. This naturally leads to a picture of a discrete space with a finite number of degrees of freedom per elementary volume. In such discrete spaces, each elementary cell is completely characterized by displacement operators connecting a cell to the neighboring cells and by the spin connection. We define the torsion and curvature of the discrete spaces and show that in the limiting case of vanishing elementary volume the standard results for the continuous curved differentiable manifolds are completely reproduced.

Mimetic Horava gravity
A. H. Chamseddine, V. Mukhanov, T. B. Russ
Physics Letters B 798, 134939 (2019).
We show that the scalar field of mimetic gravity could be used to construct diffeomorphism invariant models that reduce to Ho.rava gravity in the synchronous gauge. The gradient of the mimetic field provides a timelike unit vector field that allows to define a projection operator of four-dimensional tensors to three-dimensional spatial tensors. Conversely, it also enables us to write quantities invariant under space diffeomorphisms in fully covariant form without the need to introduce new propagating degrees of freedom. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Asymptotically free mimetic gravity
A. H. Chamseddine, V. Mukhanov, T. B. Russ
European Physical Journal C 79 (7), 558 (2019).
The idea of asymptotically free gravity is implemented using a constrained mimetic scalar field. The effective gravitational constant is assumed to vanish at some limiting curvature. As a result singularities in spatially flat Friedmann and Kasner universes are avoided. Instead, the solutions in both cases approach a de Sitter metric with limiting curvature. We show that quantum metric fluctuations vanish when this limiting curvature is approached.