Magneto-Optical Sensing of the Pressure Driven Magnetic Ground States in Bulk CrSBr
A. Pawbake, T. Pelini, I. Mohelsky, D. Jana, I. Breslavetz, C. W. Cho, M. Orlita, M. Potemski, M. A. Measson, N. P. Wilson, K. Mosina, A. Soll, Z. Sofer, B. A. Piot, M. E. Zhitomirsky, C. Faugeras
Nano Letters 23 (20), 9587-9593 (2023).
Competition between exchange interactions and magnetocrystalline anisotropy may bring new magnetic states that are of great current interest. An applied hydrostatic pressure can further be used to tune their balance. In this work, we investigate the magnetization process of a biaxial antiferromagnet in an external magnetic field applied along the easy axis. We find that the single metamagnetic transition of the Ising type observed in this material under ambient pressure transforms under hydrostatic pressure into two transitions, a first-order spin-flop transition followed by a second-order transition toward a polarized ferromagnetic state near saturation. This reversible tuning into a new magnetic phase is obtained in layered bulk CrSBr at low temperature by varying the interlayer distance using high hydrostatic pressure, which efficiently acts on the interlayer magnetic exchange and is probed by magneto-optical spectroscopy.

Intrinsic strong light-matter coupling with self-hybridized bound states in the continuum in van der Waals metasurfaces
T. Weber, L. Kühner, L. Sortino, A. Ben Mhenni, N. P. Wilson, J. Kühne, J. J. Finley, S. A. Maier, A. Tittl
Nature Materials 22 (8), 970-+ (2023).
Photonic bound states in the continuum (BICs) provide a standout platform for strong light-matter coupling with transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) but have so far mostly been implemented as traditional all-dielectric metasurfaces with adjacent TMDC layers, incurring limitations related to strain, mode overlap and material integration. Here, we demonstrate intrinsic strong coupling in BIC-driven metasurfaces composed of nanostructured bulk tungsten disulfide (WS2) and exhibiting resonances with sharp, tailored linewidths and selective enhancement of light-matter interactions. Tuning of the BIC resonances across the exciton resonance in bulk WS2 is achieved by varying the metasurface unit cells, enabling strong coupling with an anticrossing pattern and a Rabi splitting of 116 meV. Crucially, the coupling strength itself can be controlled and is shown to be independent of material-intrinsic losses. Our self-hybridized metasurface platform can readily incorporate other TMDCs or excitonic materials to deliver fundamental insights and practical device concepts for polaritonic applications. The authors demonstrate strong coupling in bound state in the continuum metasurfaces on nanostructured bulk WS2 and exhibiting sharp resonances with tailored linewidths and controllable light-matter coupling strength.

Raman scattering signatures of strong spin-phonon coupling in the bulk magnetic van der Waals material CrSBr
A. Pawbake, T. Pelini, N. P. Wilson, K. Mosina, Z. Sofer, R. Heid, C. Faugeras
Physical Review B 107 (7), 75421 (2023).
Magnetic excitations in layered magnetic materials that can be thinned down to the two-dimensional (2D) monolayer limit are of great interest from a fundamental point of view and for applications. Raman scattering has played a crucial role in exploring the properties of magnetic layered materials and, even though it is essentially a probe of lattice vibrations, it can reflect magnetic ordering in solids through the spin-phonon interaction or through the observation of magnon excitations. In bulk CrSBr, a layered A-type antiferromagnet (AF), we show that the magnetic ordering can be directly observed in the temperature dependence of the Raman scattering response (i) through the variations of the scattered intensities, (ii) through the activation of new phonon lines reflecting the change of symmetry with the appearance of the additional magnetic periodicity, and (iii) through the observation below the Neel temperature (TN) of second-order Raman scattering processes. We additionally show that the three different magnetic phases encountered in CrSBr, including the recently identified low-temperature phase, have a particular Raman scattering signature. This work demonstrates that magnetic ordering can be observed directly in the Raman scattering response of bulk CrSBr with in-plane magnetization and that it can provide unique insight into the magnetic phases encountered in magnetic layered materials.

Twist-Dependent Intra- and Interlayer Excitons in Moire acute accent MoSe2 Homobilayers
V. Villafañe, M. Kremser, R. Hübner, M. M. Petric, N. P. Wilson, A. V. Stier, K. Müller, M. Florian, A. Steinhoff, J. J. Finley
Physical Review Letters 130 (2), 26901 (2023).
Optoelectronic properties of van der Waals homostructures can be selectively engineered by the relative twist angle between layers. Here, we study the twist-dependent moire ' coupling in MoSe2 homobilayers. For small angles, we find a pronounced redshift of the K -K and Gamma-K excitons accompanied by a transition from K -K to Gamma-K emission. Both effects can be traced back to the underlying moire ' pattern in the MoSe2 homobilayers, as confirmed by our low-energy continuum model for different moire ' excitons. We identify two distinct intralayer moire ' excitons for R stacking, while H stacking yields two degenerate intralayer excitons due to inversion symmetry. In both cases, bright interlayer excitons are found at higher energies. The performed calculations are in excellent agreement with experiment and allow us to characterize the observed exciton resonances, providing insight about the layer composition and relevant stacking configuration of different moire ' exciton species.

Nonlocal Exciton-Photon Interactions in Hybrid High-Q Beam Nanocavities with Encapsulated MoS2 Monolayers
C. J. Qian, V. Villafañe, P. Soubelet, A. Hotger, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, N. P. Wilson, A. V. Stier, A. W. Holleitner, J. J. Finley
Physical Review Letters 128 (23), 237403 (2022).
Atomically thin semiconductors can be readily integrated into a wide range of nanophotonic architectures for applications in quantum photonics and novel optoelectronic devices. We report the observation of nonlocal interactions of ???free??? trions in pristine hBN/MoS2/hBN heterostructures coupled to single mode (Q > 104) quasi 0D nanocavities. The high excitonic and photonic quality of the interaction system stems from our integrated nanofabrication approach simultaneously with the hBN encapsulation and the maximized local cavity field amplitude within the MoS2 monolayer. We observe a nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the cavity-trion interaction strength, consistent with the nonlocal light-matter interactions in which the extent of the center-of-mass (c.m.) wave function is comparable to the cavity mode volume in space. Our approach can be generalized to other optically active 2D materials, opening the way toward harnessing novel light-matter interaction regimes for applications in quantum photonics.

Excitons and emergent quantum phenomena in stacked 2D semiconductors
N. P. Wilson, W. Yao, J. Shan, X. D. Xu
Nature 599 (7885), 383-392 (2021).
This Review discusses the exciton physics of transition metal dichalcogenides, focusing on moire patterns and exciton many-body physics, and outlines future research directions in the field. The design and control of material interfaces is a foundational approach to realize technologically useful effects and engineer material properties. This is especially true for two-dimensional (2D) materials, where van der Waals stacking allows disparate materials to be freely stacked together to form highly customizable interfaces. This has underpinned a recent wave of discoveries based on excitons in stacked double layers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), the archetypal family of 2D semiconductors. In such double-layer structures, the elegant interplay of charge, spin and moire superlattice structure with many-body effects gives rise to diverse excitonic phenomena and correlated physics. Here we review some of the recent discoveries that highlight the versatility of TMD double layers to explore quantum optics and many-body effects. We identify outstanding challenges in the field and present a roadmap for unlocking the full potential of excitonic physics in TMD double layers and beyond, such as incorporating newly discovered ferroelectric and magnetic materials to engineer symmetries and add a new level of control to these remarkable engineered materials.