Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1
85748 Garching
+49 89 32905-315
Research WebsiteDescription
Tell us a little about yourself — your research interests, the group you work in, and how long you have been in your current position.
I am Marta, a 3rd year PhD student at the Theory Division of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. My research focuses on tensor networks, a powerful tool for studying quantum many-body systems.
What motivates you to apply as a PhD representative?
MCQST is a highly stimulating environment with a great community of researchers. I look forward to joining the MCQST PhD board to help foster stronger connections among us and to ensure a supportive and engaging environment, which can help us make the most of our PhD experience.
Tell us about your current research work and what excites you most about it.
My research focuses on extending the mathematical framework of tensor networks to encompass a broader class of many-body states. What excites me most about it is discovering interdisciplinary connections to ideas in other fields that allow complex problems to be tackled in elegant and simple ways.