Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1
85748 Garching
+49 89 32905-687
Research WebsiteDescription
Tell us a little about yourself — your research interests, the group you work in, and how long you have been in your current position.
My name is María Cea, and I am a PhD student in the Theory Division at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. I am currently in the second year of my PhD, and my research focuses on developing quantum-inspired algorithms to tackle complex problems in quantum many-body physics.
What motivates you to apply as a PhD representative?
I am motivated to apply for the PhD representative position because I see it as an excellent opportunity to develop skills beyond my research work, such as leadership, communication, and community building. As a PhD student, much of my time is dedicated to my project and attending seminars, so this position would allow me to grow in areas that will be valuable both during and after my doctorate.
Tell us about your current research work and what excites you most about it.
My main research focuses on developing tensor network algorithms for non-equilibrium systems, particularly to study constrained systems. What excites me most is the potential of these quantum-inspired algorithms to simulate systems that are beyond the reach of traditional methods, and the possibility of applying them to a variety of other problems in the future.