Technical University of Munich
Nano and Quantum Sensors
Hans-Piloty-Str. 1
85748 Garching
Research WebsiteDescription
Tell us a little about yourself — your research interests, the group you work in, and how long you have been in your current position.
I’m doing my PhD in the field of cavity optomechanics in the group of
Eva Weig. So we not only bridge the domains of optics and mechanics in our physical systems. We also bridge the world of physics and engineering department.
What motivates you to apply as a PhD representative?
In our organisations the majority of scientific staff are PhD students. So I dare to say that we are the backbone of the scientific work. However, most of us are occupied by day-to-day business and do not plan to stay long in the scientific system. Thus, the perspective of PhD students are not well represented. So, I would like to enrich the activities of MCQST by our perspective.
Tell us about your current research work and what excites you most about it.
I love the scientific environment: Always when I have a problem there is somebody who knows much more about certain aspects. Often you learn more about the behavior of quantum states having a coffee and chatting than reading an article. I think this scientific environment is the most valuable asset of our cluster. So I would like to help stimulating the exchange and the sharing of experiences.