Engineering quantum states and electronic landscapes through surface molecular nanoarchitectures
I. Piquero-Zulaica, J. Lobo-Checa, Z. M. Abd El-Fattah, J. E. Ortega, F. Klappenberger, W. Auwärter, J. V. Barth
Reviews of Modern Physics 94 (4), 45008 (2022).
Surfaces are at the frontier of every known solid. They provide versatile supports for functional nanostructures and mediate essential physicochemical processes. Intimately related to two-dimensional materials, interfaces and atomically thin films often feature distinct electronic states with respect to the bulk, which is key to many relevant properties, such as catalytic activity, interfacial charge-transfer, and crystal growth mechanisms. To induce novel quantum properties via lateral scattering and confinement, reducing the surface electrons' dimensionality and spread with atomic precision is of particular interest. Both atomic manipulation and supramolecular principles provide access to custom-designed molecular assemblies and superlattices, which tailor the surface electronic landscape and influence fundamental chemical and physical properties at the nanoscale. Here the confinement of surface-state electrons is reviewed, with a focus on their interaction with molecular scaffolds created by molecular manipulation and self-assembly protocols under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Starting with the quasifree two-dimensional electron gas present at the o111 thorn -oriented surface planes of noble metals, the intriguing molecule-based structural complexity and versatility is illustrated. Surveyed are low-dimensional confining structures in the form of artificial lattices, molecular nanogratings, or quantum dot arrays, which are constructed upon an appropriate choice of their building constituents. Whenever the realized (metal-)organic networks exhibit long-range order, modified surface band structures with characteristic features emerge, inducing noteworthy physical phenomena such as discretization, quantum coupling or energy, and effective mass renormalization. Such collective electronic states can be additionally modified by positioning guest species at the voids of open nanoarchitectures. The designed scattering potential landscapes can be described with semiempirical models, bringing thus the prospect of total control over surface electron confinement and novel quantum states within reach.

Engineering novel surface electronic states via complex supramolecular tessellations
W. Q. Hu, M. A. Kher-Elden, H. X. Zhang, P. Cheng, L. Chen, I. Piquero-Zulaica, Z. M. Abd El-Fattah, J. V. Barth, K. H. Wu, Y. Q. Zhang
Nanoscale 14 (18), 7039-7048 (2022).
Tailoring Shockley surface-state (SS) electrons utilizing complex interfacial supramolecular tessellations was explored by low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy, combined with computational modelling using electron plane wave expansion (EPWE) and empirical tight-binding (TB) methods. Employing a recently introduced gas-mediated on-surface reaction protocol, three distinct types of open porous networks comprising paired organometallic species as basic tectons were selectively synthesized. In particular, these supramolecular networks feature semiregular Archimedean tilings, providing intricate quantum dots (QDs) coupling scenarios compared to hexagonal porous superlattices. Our experimental results in conjunction with modelling calculations demonstrate the possibility of realizing novel two-dimensional electronic structures such as Kagome- and Dirac-type as well as hybrid Kagome-type bands via QD coupling. Compared to constructing SS electron pathways via molecular manipulations, our studies reveal significant potential of exploiting QD coupling as a complementary and versatile route for the control of surface electronic landscapes.

Atomistic investigation of surface characteristics and electronic features at high-purity FeSi(110) presenting interfacial metallicity
B. Yang, M. Uphoff, Y. Q. Zhang, J. Reichert, A. P. Seitsonen, A. Bauer, C. Pfleiderer, J. V. Barth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (17), e2021203118 (2021).
Iron silicide (FeSi) is a fascinating material that has attracted extensive research efforts for decades, notably revealing unusual temperature-dependent electronic and magnetic characteristics, as well as a close resemblance to the Kondo insulators whereby a coherent picture of intrinsic properties and underlying physics remains to be fully developed. For a better understanding of this narrow-gap semiconductor, we prepared and examined FeSi(110) single-crystal surfaces of high quality. Combined insights from low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and density functional theory calculations (DFT) indicate an unreconstructed surface termination presenting rows of Fe?Si pairs. Using high-resolution tunneling spectroscopy (STS), we identify a distinct asymmetric electronic gap in the sub-10 K regime on defect-free terraces. Moreover, the STS data reveal a residual density of states in the gap regime whereby two in-gap states are recognized. The principal origin of these features is rationalized with the help of the DFT-calculated band structure. The computational modeling of a (110)-oriented slab notably evidences the existence of interfacial intragap bands accounting for a markedly increased density of states around the Fermi level. These findings support and provide further insight into the emergence of surface metallicity in the low-temperature regime.