Doping-control of excitons and magnetism in few-layer CrSBr
F. Tabataba-Vakili, H. P. G. Nguyen, A. Rupp, K. Mosina, A. Papavasileiou, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, P. Maletinsky, M. M. Glazov, Z. Sofer, A. S. Baimuratov, A. Högele
Nature Communications 15 (1), 4735 (2024).
Magnetism in two-dimensional materials reveals phenomena distinct from bulk magnetic crystals, with sensitivity to charge doping and electric fields in monolayer and bilayer van der Waals magnet CrI3. Within the class of layered magnets, semiconducting CrSBr stands out by featuring stability under ambient conditions, correlating excitons with magnetic order and thus providing strong magnon-exciton coupling, and exhibiting peculiar magneto-optics of exciton-polaritons. Here, we demonstrate that both exciton and magnetic transitions in bilayer and trilayer CrSBr are sensitive to voltage-controlled field-effect charging, exhibiting bound exciton-charge complexes and doping-induced metamagnetic transitions. Moreover, we demonstrate how these unique properties enable optical probes of local magnetic order, visualizing magnetic domains of competing phases across metamagnetic transitions induced by magnetic field or electrostatic doping. Our work identifies few-layer CrSBr as a rich platform for exploring collaborative effects of charge, optical excitations, and magnetism. CrSBr is a van der Waals layered antiferromagnet. Unlike many other van der Waals magnetic materials it is air stable, and in addition hosts a rich array of magneto-optical responses. Here, Tabataba-Vakili et al demonstrate that the magnetic and optical response of CrSBr is sensitive to gating, allowing electrical control of the magneto-optical properties.

Multimode Emission in GaN Microdisk Lasers
M. L. Drechsler, L. S. M. Choi, F. Tabataba-Vakili, F. Nippert, A. Koulas-Simos, M. Lorke, S. Reitzenstein, B. Alloing, P. Boucaud, M. R. Wagner, F. Jahnke
Laser & Photonics Reviews 7 (2024).
Quantum well nanolasers usually show single-mode lasing, as gain saturation suppresses emissions in other modes. In contrast, for whispering gallery mode microdisk lasers with GaN quantum wells as active material, above threshold multimode laser emission is observed. This intriguing emission feature is manifested in the fact that several modes simultaneously show the characteristic kink in the input-output curve at the onset of lasing. A quantum theory for nanolasers is used to support the experimental finding and to analyze this behavior in the presence of gain saturation. Coupling effects between neighboring modes are identified as the origin of multimode lasing, which initiate photon exchange between modes via population pulsations similar to classical wave-mixing effects. A reduction of this type of mode coupling with increasing mode spacing is demonstrated. The results can pave the way for multimode application of nanolasers in integrated photonic circuits. Quantum well nanolasers usually show single-mode lasing. In this paper, multimode laser emission is observed in whispering gallery mode microdisk lasers with GaN quantum wells as active material. The presence of multimode emission despite gain saturation is explained by photon exchange between modes via population pulsations similar to classical wave-mixing effects. image

Lattice Reconstruction in MoSe2-WSe2 Heterobilayers Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Z. J. Li, F. Tabataba-Vakili, S. Zhao, A. Rupp, I. Bilgin, Z. Herdegen, B. März, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, G. R. Schleder, A. S. Baimuratov, E. Kaxiras, K. Müller-Caspary, A. Högele
Nano Letters 23 (10), 4160-4166 (2023).
Vertical van der Waals heterostructures of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides realize moire systems with rich correlated electron phases and moire exciton phenomena. For material combinations with small lattice mismatch and twist angles as in MoSe2-WSe2, however, lattice reconstruction eliminates the canonical moire pattern and instead gives rise to arrays of periodically reconstructed nanoscale domains and mesoscopically extended areas of one atomic registry. Here, we elucidate the role of atomic reconstruction in MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructures synthesized by chemical vapor deposition. With complementary imaging down to the atomic scale, simulations, and optical spectroscopy methods, we identify the coexistence of moire-type cores and extended moire-free regions in heterostacks with parallel and antiparallel alignment. Our work highlights the potential of chemical vapor deposition for applications requiring laterally extended heterosystems of one atomic registry or exciton-confining heterostack arrays.

Low-loss GaN-on-insulator platform for integrated photonics
M. Gromovyi, M. El Kurdi, X. Checoury, E. Herth, F. Tabataba-Vakili, N. Bhat, A. Courville, F. Semond, P. Boucaud
Optics Express 30 (12), 20737-20749 (2022).
III-Nitride semiconductors are promising materials for on-chip integrated photonics. They provide a wide transparency window from the ultra-violet to the infrared that can be exploited for second-order nonlinear conversions. Here we demonstrate a photonics platform based on epitaxial GaN-on-insulator on silicon. The transfer of the epi-material on SiO2 is achieved through wafer bonding. We show that quality factors up to 230 000 can be achieved with this platform at telecommunication wavelengths. Resonant second harmonic generation is demonstrated with a continuous wave conversion efficiency of 0.24 %/W. (C) 2022 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement