Stability of the bulk gap for frustration-free topologically ordered quantum lattice systems
B. Nachtergaele, R. Sims, A. Young
Letters in Mathematical Physics 114 (1), 24 (2024).
We prove that uniformly small short-range perturbations do not close the bulk gap above the ground state of frustration-free quantum spin systems that satisfy a standard local topological quantum order condition. In contrast with earlier results, we do not require a positive lower bound for finite-system spectral gaps uniform in the system size. To obtain this result, we extend the Bravyi-Hastings-Michalakis strategy so it can be applied to perturbations of the GNS Hamiltonian of the infinite-system ground state.

Stability of the Spectral Gap and Ground State Indistinguishability for a Decorated AKLT Model
A. Lucia, A. Moon, A. Young
Annales Henri Poincare 46 (2023).
We use cluster expansion methods to establish local the indistiguishability of the finite volume ground states for the AKLT model on decorated hexagonal lattices with decoration parameter at least 5. Our estimates imply that the model satisfies local topological quantum order, and so, the spectral gap above the ground state is stable against local perturbations.

A nonvanishing spectral gap for AKLT models on generalized decorated graphs
A. Lucia, A. Young
Journal of Mathematical Physics 64 (4), 41902 (2023).
We consider the spectral gap question for Affleck, Kennedy, Lieb, and Tasaki models defined on decorated versions of simple, connected graphs G. This class of decorated graphs, which are defined by replacing all edges of G with a chain of n sites, in particular includes any decorated multi-dimensional lattice. Using the Tensor Network States approach from [Abdul-Rahman et al., Analytic Trends in Mathematical Physics, Contemporary Mathematics (American Mathematical Society, 2020), Vol. 741, p. 1.], we prove that if the decoration parameter is larger than a linear function of the maximal vertex degree, then the decorated model has a nonvanishing spectral gap above the ground state energy. (c) 2023 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

A Bulk Spectral Gap in the Presence of Edge States for a Truncated Pseudopotential
S. Warzel, A. Young
Annales Henri Poincare 24 (1), 133-178 (2023).
We study the low-energy properties of a truncated Haldane pseudopotential with maximal half filling, which describes a strongly correlated system of spinless bosons in a cylinder geometry. For this Hamiltonian with either open or periodic boundary conditions, we prove a spectral gap above the highly degenerate ground-state space which is uniform in the volume and particle number. Our proofs rely on identifying invariant subspaces to which we apply gap-estimate methods previously developed only for quantum spin Hamiltonians. In the case of open boundary conditions, the lower bound on the spectral gap accurately reflects the presence of edge states, which do not persist into the bulk. Customizing the gap technique to the invariant subspace, we avoid the edge states and establish a more precise estimate on the bulk gap in the case of periodic boundary conditions.

The spectral gap of a fractional quantum Hall system on a thin torus
S. Warze, A. Young
Journal of Mathematical Physics 63 (4), 41901 (2022).
We study a fractional quantum Hall system with maximal filling nu = 1/3 in the thin torus limit. The corresponding Hamiltonian is a truncated version of Haldane's pseudopotential, which upon a Jordan-Wigner transformation is equivalent to a one-dimensional quantum spin chain with periodic boundary conditions. Our main result is a lower bound on the spectral gap of this Hamiltonian, which is uniform in the system size and total particle number. The gap is also uniform with respect to small values of the coupling constant in the model. The proof adapts the strategy of individually estimating the gap in invariant subspaces used for the bosonic nu = 1/2 model to the present fermionic case.

Quasi-Locality Bounds for Quantum Lattice Systems. Part II. Perturbations of Frustration-Free Spin Models with Gapped Ground States
B. Nachtergaele, R. Sims, A. Young
Annales Henri Poincare 23 (2), 393-511 (2022).
We study the stability with respect to a broad class of perturbations of gapped ground-state phases of quantum spin systems defined by frustration-free Hamiltonians. The core result of this work is a proof using the Bravyi-Hastings-Michalakis (BHM) strategy that under a condition of local topological quantum order (LTQO), the bulk gap is stable under perturbations that decay at long distances faster than a stretched exponential. Compared to previous work, we expand the class of frustration-free quantum spin models that can be handled to include models with more general boundary conditions, and models with discrete symmetry breaking. Detailed estimates allow us to formulate sufficient conditions for the validity of positive lower bounds for the gap that are uniform in the system size and that are explicit to some degree. We provide a survey of the BHM strategy following the approach of Michalakis and Zwolak, with alterations introduced to accommodate more general than just periodic boundary conditions and more general lattices. We express the fundamental condition known as LTQO by means of an indistinguishability radius, which we introduce. Using the uniform finite-volume results, we then proceed to study the thermodynamic limit. We first study the case of a unique limiting ground state and then also consider models with spontaneous breaking of a discrete symmetry. In the latter case, LTQO cannot hold for all local observables. However, for perturbations that preserve the symmetry, we show stability of the gap and the structure of the broken symmetry phases. We prove that the GNS Hamiltonian associated with each pure state has a non-zero spectral gap above the ground state.

Spectral Gaps and Incompressibility in a nu=1/3 Fractional Quantum Hall System
B. Nachtergaele, S. Warzel, A. Young
Communications in Mathematical Physics 383 (2), 1093-1149 (2021).
We study an effective Hamiltonian for the standard nu=1/3 ractional quantum Hall system in the thin cylinder regime. We give a complete description of its ground state space in terms of what we call Fragmented Matrix Product States, which are labeled by a certain family of tilings of the one-dimensional lattice. We then prove that the model has a spectral gap above the ground states for a range of coupling constants that includes physical values. As a consequence of the gap we establish the incompressibility of the fractional quantum Hall states. We also show that all the ground states labeled by a tiling have a finite correlation length, for which we give an upper bound. We demonstrate by example, however, that not all superpositions of tiling states have exponential decay of correlations.

Low-complexity eigenstates of a nu=1/3 fractional quantum Hall system
B. Nachtergaele, S. Warzel, A. Young
Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and Theoretical 54 (1), 01lt01 (2021).
We identify the ground-state of a truncated version of Haldane's pseudo-potential Hamiltonian in the thin cylinder geometry as being composed of exponentially many fragmented matrix product states. These states are constructed by lattice tilings and their properties are discussed. We also report on a proof of a spectral gap, which implies the incompressibility of the underlying fractional quantum Hall liquid at maximal filling nu = 1/3. Low-energy excitations and an extensive number of many-body scars at positive energy density, but nevertheless low complexity, are also identified using the concept of tilings.