Probing the Spatial Homogeneity of Exfoliated HfTe5 Films
M. P. Singh, Q. X. Dong, G. F. Chen, A. W. Holleitner, C. Kastl
Acs Nano 18 (28), 18327-18333 (2024).
In van der Waals materials, external strain is an effective tool to manipulate and control electronic responses by changing the electronic bands upon lattice deformation. In particular, the band gap of the layered transition metal pentatelluride HfTe5 is sufficiently small to be inverted by subtle changes of the lattice parameters resulting in a strain-tunable topological phase transition. In that case, knowledge about the spatial homogeneity of electronic properties becomes crucial, especially for the microfabricated thin film circuits used in typical transport measurements. Here, we reveal the homogeneity of exfoliated HfTe5 thin films by spatially resolved Raman microscopy. Comparing the Raman spectra under applied external strain to unstrained bulk references, we pinpoint local variations of Raman signatures to inhomogeneous strain profiles in the sample. Importantly, our results demonstrate that microfabricated contacts can act as sources of significant inhomogeneities. To mitigate the impact of unintentional strain and its corresponding modifications of the electronic structure, careful Raman microscopy constitutes a valuable tool for quantifying the homogeneity of HfTe5 films and circuits fabricated thereof.

Extended spatial coherence of interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures
J. Figueiredo, M. Troue, U. Wurstbauer, A. W. Holleitner
Conference on 2D Photonic Materials and Devices VII 12888, (2024).
We report on the spatial and temporal coherence of interlayer exciton ensembles as photoexcited in MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructures and characterized by point-inversion Michelson-Morley interferometry.(1) Below 10 K, the measured spatial coherence length of the interlayer excitons reaches values equivalent to the lateral expansion of the exciton ensembles. In this regime, the light emission of the excitons turns out to be homogeneously broadened in energy with a high temporal coherence. At higher temperatures, both the spatial and temporal coherence lengths decrease, most likely because of thermal processes. The presented findings point towards a spatially extended, coherent many-body state of interlayer excitons at low temperature.

Lasing of moiré trapped MoSe2/WSe2 interlayer excitons coupled to a nanocavity
C. J. Qian, M. Troue, J. Figueiredo, P. Soubelet, V. Villafañe, J. Beierlein, S. Klembt, A. V. Stier, S. Höfling, A. W. Holleitner, J. J. Finley
Science Advances 10 (2), eadk6359 (2024).
We report lasing of moiré trapped interlayer excitons (IXs) by integrating a pristine hBN-encapsulated MoSe2/WSe2 heterobilayer into a high-Q (>10(4)) nanophotonic cavity. We control the cavity-IX detuning using a magnetic field and measure their dipolar coupling strength to be 78 +/- 4 micro-electron volts, fully consistent with the 82 micro-electron volts predicted by theory. The emission from the cavity mode shows clear threshold-like behavior as the transition is tuned into resonance with the cavity. We observe a superlinear power dependence accompanied by a narrowing of the linewidth as the distinct features of lasing. The onset and prominence of these threshold-like behaviors are pronounced at resonance while weak off-resonance. Our results show that a lasing transition can be induced in interacting moiré IXs with macroscopic coherence extending over the length scale of the cavity mode. Such systems raise interesting perspectives for low-power switching and synaptic nanophotonic devices using two-dimensional materials.

Photovoltage and Photocurrent Absorption Spectra of Sulfur Vacancies Locally Patterned in Monolayer MoS2
A. Hötger, W. Männer, T. Amit, D. Hernangómez-Pérez, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, U. Wurstbauer, J. J. Finley, S. Refaely-Abramson, C. Kastl, A. W. Holleitner
Nano Letters 23 (24), 11655-11661 (2023).
We report on the optical absorption characteristics of selectively positioned sulfur vacancies in monolayer MoS2, as observed by photovoltage and photocurrent experiments in an atomistic vertical tunneling circuit at cryogenic and room temperature. Charge carriers are resonantly photoexcited within the defect states before they tunnel through an hBN tunneling barrier to a graphene-based drain contact. Both photovoltage and photocurrent characteristics confirm the optical absorption spectrum as derived from ab initio GW and Bethe-Salpeter equation approximations. Our results reveal the potential of single-vacancy tunneling devices as atomic-scale photodiodes.

Exciton-phonon scattering: Competition between the bosonic and fermionic nature of bound electron-hole pairs
M. Katzer, M. Selig, L. Sigl, M. Troue, J. Figueiredo, J. Kiemle, F. Sigger, U. Wurstbauer, A. W. Holleitner, A. Knorr
Physical Review B 108 (12), L121102 (2023).
The question of macroscopic occupation and the spontaneous emergence of coherence for exciton ensembles has gained renewed attention due to the rise of van der Waals heterostructures made of atomically thin semiconductors. The hosted interlayer excitons exhibit nanosecond lifetimes, long enough to allow for excitonic thermalization in time. Several experimental studies reported signatures of macroscopic occupation effects at elevated exciton densities. With respect to theory, excitons are composite particles formed by fermionic constituents, and a general theoretical argument for a bosonic thermalization of an exciton gas beyond the linear regime is still missing. Here, we derive an equation for the phonon mediated thermalization at densities above the classical limit, and identify which conditions favor the thermalization of fermionic or bosonic character, respectively. In cases where acoustic, quasielastic phonon scattering dominates the dynamics, our theory suggests that transition metal dichalcogenide excitons might be bosonic enough to show bosonic thermalization behavior and decreasing dephasing for increasing exciton densities. This can be interpreted as a signature of an emerging coherence in the exciton ground state, and thus provides an explanation for the unexpected recent experimentally observed feature of a decreasing linewidth for increasing densities [Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 042044(R) (2020)]. Also, this interpretation would be in line with a recently observed long coherence length in the same material [Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 036902 (2023)].

Combining experiments on luminescent centres in hexagonal boron nitride with the polaron model and ab initio methods towards the identification of their microscopic origin
M. Fischer, A. Sajid, J. Iles-Smith, A. Hötger, D. I. Miakota, M. K. Svendsen, C. Kastl, S. Canulescu, S. S. Xiao, M. Wubs, K. S. Thygesen, A. W. Holleitner, N. Stenger
Nanoscale 15 (34), 14215-14226 (2023).
The two-dimensional material hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) hosts luminescent centres with emission energies of ~2 eV which exhibit pronounced phonon sidebands. We investigate the microscopic origin of these luminescent centres by combining ab initio calculations with non-perturbative open quantum system theory to study the emission and absorption properties of 26 defect transitions. Comparing the calculated line shapes with experiments we narrow down the microscopic origin to three carbon-based defects: C2CB, C2CN, and VNCB. The theoretical method developed enables us to calculate so-called photoluminescence excitation (PLE) maps, which show excellent agreement with our experiments. The latter resolves higher-order phonon transitions, thereby confirming both the vibronic structure of the optical transition and the phonon-assisted excitation mechanism with a phonon energy ~170 meV. We believe that the presented experiments and polaron-based method accurately describe luminescent centres in hBN and will help to identify their microscopic origin.

Space-charge limited and ultrafast dynamics in graphene-based nano-gaps
J. Groebmeyer, P. Zimmermann, B. Huet, J. A. Robinson, A. W. Holleitner
Applied Physics Letters 123 (1), 6 (2023).
We show that nano-gaps formed in graphene by utilizing a focused helium ion beam can act as ultrafast photoswitches. By temperature-dependent, time-integrated, and ultrafast photocurrent measurements, we demonstrate that the optoelectronic dynamics across such nano-gaps are dominated by a space-charge limited current in combination with the ultrafast dynamics of hot electrons. The demonstrated methodology allows the creation of ultrafast photoswitches with an amplification gain exceeding the ones as formed by pristine graphene.

Spin-defect characteristics of single sulfur vacancies in monolayer MoS2
A. Hötger, T. Amit, J. Klein, K. Barthelmi, T. Pelini, A. Delhomme, S. Rey, M. Potemski, C. Faugeras, G. Cohen, D. Hernangómez-Pérez, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, C. Kastl, J. J. Finley, S. Refaely-Abramson, A. W. Holleitner, A. V. Stier
Npj 2d Materials and Applications 7 (1), 30 (2023).
Single spin-defects in 2D transition-metal dichalcogenides are natural spin-photon interfaces for quantum applications. Here we report high-field magneto-photoluminescence spectroscopy from three emission lines (Q1, Q2, and Q*) of He-ion induced sulfur vacancies in monolayer MoS2. Analysis of the asymmetric PL lineshapes in combination with the diamagnetic shift of Q1 and Q2 yields a consistent picture of localized emitters with a wave function extent of similar to 3.5 nm. The distinct valley-Zeeman splitting in out-of-plane B-fields and the brightening of dark states through in-plane B-fields necessitates spin-valley selectivity of the defect states and lifted spin-degeneracy at zero field. Comparing our results to ab initio calculations identifies the nature of Q1 and Q2 and suggests that Q* is the emission from a chemically functionalized defect. Analysis of the optical degree of circular polarization reveals that the Fermi level is a parameter that enables the tunability of the emitter. These results show that defects in 2D semiconductors may be utilized for quantum technologies.

Ultra-Sensitive Extinction Measurements of Optically Active Defects in Monolayer MoS2
F. Sigger, I. Amersdorffer, A. Hotger, M. Nutz, J. Kiemle, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, M. Forg, J. Noe, J. J. Finley, A. Högele, A. W. Holleitner, T. Hummer, D. Hunger, C. Kastl
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10291-10296 (2022).
We utilize cavity-enhanced extinction spectroscopy to directly quantify the optical absorption of defects in MoS2 generated by helium ion bombardment. We achieve hyperspectral imaging of specific defect patterns with a detection limit below 0.01% extinction, corresponding to a detectable defect density below 1 x 10(11) cm(-2). The corresponding spectra reveal a broad subgap absorption, being consistent with theoretical predictions related to sulfur vacancy-bound excitons in MoS2. Our results highlight cavity-enhanced extinction spectroscopy as efficient means for the detection of optical transitions in nanoscale thin films with weak absorption, applicable to a broad range of materials.

On-demand generation of optically active defects in monolayer WS2 by a focused helium ion beam
A. Micevic, N. Pettinger, A. Hotger, L. Sigl, M. Florian, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, K. Müller, J. J. Finley, C. Kastl, A. W. Holleitner
Applied Physics Letters 121 (18), 183101 (2022).
We demonstrate that optically active emitters can be locally generated by focusing a He-ion beam onto monolayer WS2 encapsulated in hBN. The emitters show a low-temperature photoluminescence spectrum, which is well described by an independent Boson model for localized emitters. Consistently, the photoluminescence intensity of the emitters saturates at low excitation intensities, which is distinct to the photoluminescence of excitonic transitions in the investigated WS2 monolayers. The demonstrated method allows us to position defect emitters in WS2 monolayers on demand. A statistical analysis suggests the generation yield of individual emitters to be as high as 11% at the highest investigated He-ion doses.

Defect-Engineered Magnetic Field Dependent Optoelectronics of Vanadium Doped Tungsten Diselenide Monolayers
K. Nisi, J. Kiemle, L. Powalla, A. Scavuzzo, T. D. Nguyen, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, D. L. Duong, M. Burghard, A. W. Holleitner, C. Kastl
Advanced Optical Materials 10 (17), 2102711 (2022).
The ability to dope transition metal dichalcogenides such as tungsten diselenide (WSe2) with magnetic transition metal atoms in a controlled manner has motivated intense research with the aim of generating dilute magnetic semiconductors. In this work, semiconducting WSe2 monolayers, substitutionally doped with vanadium atoms, are investigated using low-temperature luminescence and optoelectronic spectroscopy. V-dopants lead to a p-type doping character and an impurity-related emission approximate to 160 meV below the neutral exciton, both of which scale with the nominal percentage of V-dopants. Measurements using field-effect devices of 0.3% V-doped WSe2 demonstrate bipolar carrier tunability. The doped monolayers display a clear magnetic hysteresis in transport measurements both under illumination and without illumination, whereas the valley polarization of the excitons reveals a nonlinear g-factor without a magnetic hysteresis within the experimental uncertainty. Hence, this work on V-doped WSe2 provides crucial insights concerning suitable characterization methods on magnetic properties of doped 2D materials.

Gate-Tunable Helical Currents in Commensurate Topological Insulator/Graphene Heterostructures
J. Kiemle, L. Powalla, K. Polyudov, L. Gulati, M. Singh, A. W. Holleitner, M. Burghard, C. Kastl
Acs Nano 16 (8), 12338-12344 (2022).
van der Waals heterostructures made from graphene and three-dimensional topological insulators promise very high electron mobilities, a nontrivial spin texture, and a gate-tunability of electronic properties. Such a combination of advantageous electronic characteristics can only be achieved through proximity effects in heterostructures, as graphene lacks a large enough spin-orbit interaction. In turn, the heterostructures are promising candidates for all-electrical control of proximity -induced spin phenomena. Here, we explore epitaxially grown interfaces between graphene and the lattice-matched topological insulator Bi2Te2Se. For this heterostructure, spin-orbit coupling proximity has been predicted to impart an anisotropic and electronically tunable spin texture. Polarization-resolved second -harmonic generation, Raman spectroscopy, and time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr microscopy are combined to demonstrate that the atomic interfaces align in a commensurate symmetry with characteristic interlayer vibrations. By polarization-resolved photocurrent measurements, we find a circular photogalvanic effect which is drastically enhanced at the Dirac point of the proximitized graphene. We attribute the peculiar gate-tunability to the proximity-induced interfacial spin structure, which could be exploited for, e.g., spin filters.

Spectroscopic imaging ellipsometry of two-dimensional TMDC heterostructures
F. Sigger, H. Lambers, K. Nisi, J. Klein, N. Saigal, A. W. Holleitner, U. Wurstbauer
Applied Physics Letters 121 (7), 71102 (2022).
Semiconducting two-dimensional materials and their heterostructures gained a lot of interest for applications as well as fundamental studies due to their rich optical properties. Assembly in van der Waals heterostacks can significantly alter the intrinsic optical properties as well as the wavelength-dependent absorption and emission efficiencies, making a direct comparison of, e.g., photoluminescence intensities difficult. Here, we determine the dielectric function for the prototypical MoSe2/WSe2 heterobilayer and their individual layers. Apart from a redshift of 18-44 meV of the energetically lowest interband transitions, we find that for larger energies, the dielectric function can only be described by treating the van der Waals heterobilayer as a new artificial homobilayer crystal rather than a stack of individual layers. The determined dielectric functions are applied to calculate the Michelson contrast of the individual layers and the bilayer in dependence of the oxide thickness of often used Si/SiO2 substrates. Our results highlight the need to consider the altered dielectric functions impacting the Michelson interference in the interpretation of intensities in optical measurements such as Raman scattering or photoluminescence. Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.

Thickness and defect dependent electronic, optical and thermoelectric features of WTe2
I. Ozdemir, A. W. Holleitner, C. Kastl, O. U. Akturk
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 12756 (2022).
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) receive significant attention due to their outstanding electronic and optical properties. In this study, we investigate the electronic, optical, and thermoelectric properties of single and few layer WTe2 in detail utilizing first-principles methods based on the density functional theory (DFT). Within the scope of both PBE and HSE06 including spin orbit coupling (SOC), the simulations predict the electronic band gap values to decrease as the number of layers increases. Moreover, spin-polarized DFT calculations combined with the semi-classical Boltzmann transport theory are applied to estimate the anisotropic thermoelectric power factor (Seebeck coefficient, S) for WTe2 in both the monolayer and multilayer limit, and S is obtained below the optimal value for practical applications. The optical absorbance of WTe2 monolayer is obtained to be slightly less than the values reported in literature for 2H TMD monolayers of MoS2, MoSe2, and WS2. Furthermore, we simulate the impact of defects, such as vacancy, antisite and substitution defects, on the electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of monolayer WTe2. Particularly, the Te- O-2 substitution defect in parallel orientation yields negative formation energy, indicating that the relevant defect may form spontaneously under relevant experimental conditions. We reveal that the electronic band structure of WTe2 monolayer is significantly influenced by the presence of the considered defects. According to the calculated band gap values, a lowering of the conduction band minimum gives rise to metallic characteristics to the structure for the single Te(1) vacancy, a diagonal Te line defect, and the Te(1)-O-2 substitution, while the other investigated defects cause an opening of a small positive band gap at the Fermi level. Consequently, the real ( epsilon(1)(omega)) and imaginary ( epsilon(2)(omega)) parts of the dielectric constant at low frequencies are very sensitive to the applied defects, whereas we find that the absorbance (A) at optical frequencies is less significantly affected. We also predict that certain point defects can enhance the otherwise moderate value of S in pristine WTe2 to values relevant for thermoelectric applications. The described WTe2 monolayers, as functionalized with the considered defects, offer the possibility to be applied in optical, electronic, and thermoelectric devices.

Berry curvature-induced local spin polarisation in gated graphene/WTe2 heterostructures
L. Powalla, J. Kiemle, E. J. Konig, A. P. Schnyder, J. Knolle, K. Kern, A. Holleitner, C. Kastl, M. Burghard
Nature Communications 13 (1), 3152 (2022).
Experimental control of local spin-charge interconversion is of primary interest for spintronics. Van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures combining graphene with a strongly spin-orbit coupled two-dimensional (2D) material enable such functionality by design. Electric spin valve experiments have thus far provided global information on such devices, while leaving the local interplay between symmetry breaking, charge flow across the heterointerface and aspects of topology unexplored. Here, we probe the gate-tunable local spin polarisation in current-driven graphene/WTe2 heterostructures through magneto-optical Kerr microscopy. Even for a nominal in-plane transport, substantial out-of-plane spin accumulation is induced by a corresponding out-of-plane current flow. We present a theoretical model which fully explains the gate- and bias-dependent onset and spatial distribution of the intense Kerr signal as a result of a non-linear anomalous Hall effect in the heterostructure, which is enabled by its reduced point group symmetry. Our findings unravel the potential of 2D heterostructure engineering for harnessing topological phenomena for spintronics, and constitute an important step toward nanoscale, electrical spin control. Spin-based electronics offers significantly improved efficiency, but a major challenge is the electric manipulation of spin. Here, Powalla et al find a large gate induced spinpolarization in graphene/WTe2 heterostructures, illustrating the potential of such heterostructures for spintronics.

Nonlocal Exciton-Photon Interactions in Hybrid High-Q Beam Nanocavities with Encapsulated MoS2 Monolayers
C. J. Qian, V. Villafañe, P. Soubelet, A. Hotger, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, N. P. Wilson, A. V. Stier, A. W. Holleitner, J. J. Finley
Physical Review Letters 128 (23), 237403 (2022).
Atomically thin semiconductors can be readily integrated into a wide range of nanophotonic architectures for applications in quantum photonics and novel optoelectronic devices. We report the observation of nonlocal interactions of ???free??? trions in pristine hBN/MoS2/hBN heterostructures coupled to single mode (Q > 104) quasi 0D nanocavities. The high excitonic and photonic quality of the interaction system stems from our integrated nanofabrication approach simultaneously with the hBN encapsulation and the maximized local cavity field amplitude within the MoS2 monolayer. We observe a nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the cavity-trion interaction strength, consistent with the nonlocal light-matter interactions in which the extent of the center-of-mass (c.m.) wave function is comparable to the cavity mode volume in space. Our approach can be generalized to other optically active 2D materials, opening the way toward harnessing novel light-matter interaction regimes for applications in quantum photonics.

Trions in MoS2 are quantum superpositions of intra- and intervalley spin states
J. Klein, M. Florian, A. Hotger, A. Steinhoff, A. Delhomme, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, F. Jahnke, A. W. Holleitner, M. Potemski, C. Faugeras, A. V. Stier, J. J. Finley
Physical Review B 105 (4), L041302 (2022).
We report magnetophotoluminescence spectroscopy of gated MoS2 monolayers in high magnetic fields to 28 T. At B = 0 T and electron density n(s) similar to 10(12) cm(-2), we observe three trion resonances that cannot be explained within a single-particle picture. Employing ab initio calculations that take into account three-particle correlation effects as well as local and nonlocal electron-hole exchange interaction, we identify those features as quantum superpositions of inter- and intravalley spin states. We experimentally investigate the mixed character of the trion wave function via the filling factor dependent valley Zeeman shift in positive and negative magnetic fields. Our results highlight the importance of exchange interactions for exciton physics in monolayer MoS2 and provide insights into the microscopic understanding of trion physics in two-dimensional multivalley semiconductors for low excess carrier densities.

Impact of domain disorder on optoelectronic properties of layered semimetal MoTe2
M. P. Singh, J. Kiemle, I. Ozdemir, P. Zimmermann, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, M. Burghard, O. U. Akturk, C. Kastl, A. W. Holleitner
2d Materials 9 (1), 11002 (2022).
We address the impact of crystal phase disorder on the generation of helicity-dependent photocurrents in layered MoTe2, which is one of the van der Waals materials to realize the topological type-II Weyl semimetal phase. Using scanning photocurrent microscopy, we spatially probe the phase transition and its hysteresis between the centrosymmetric, monoclinic 1T' phase to the symmetry-broken, orthorhombic Td phase as a function of temperature. We find a highly disordered photocurrent response in the intermediate temperature regime. Moreover, we demonstrate that helicity-dependent and ultrafast photocurrents in MoTe2 arise most likely from a local breaking of the electronic symmetries. Our results highlight the prospects of local domain morphologies and ultrafast relaxation dynamics on the optoelectronic properties of low-dimensional van der Waals circuits.

Optical dipole orientation of interlayer excitons in MoSe2-WSe2 heterostacks
L. Sigl, M. Troue, M. Katzer, M. Selig, F. Sigger, J. Kiemle, M. Brotons-Gisbert, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, B. D. Gerardot, A. Knorr, U. Wurstbauer, A. W. Holleitner
Physical Review B 105 (3), 35417 (2022).
We report on the far-field photoluminescence intensity distribution of interlayer excitons in MoSe2-WSe2 heterostacks as measured by back focal plane imaging in the temperature range between 1.7 and 20 K. By comparing the data with an analytical model describing the dipolar emission pattern in a dielectric environment, we are able to obtain the relative contributions of the in- and out-of-plane transition dipole moments associated to the interlayer exciton photon emission. We determine the transition dipole moments for all observed interlayer exciton transitions to be (99 +/- 1)% in plane for R- and H-type stacking, independent of the excitation power and therefore the density of the exciton ensemble in the experimentally examined range. Finally, we discuss the limitations of the presented measurement technique to observe correlation effects in exciton ensembles.

Achieving a quantum smart workforce
C. D. Aiello, D. D. Awschalom, H. Bernien, T. Brower, K. R. Brown, T. A. Brun, J. R. Caram, E. Chitambar, R. Di Felice, K. M. Edmonds, M. F. J. Fox, S. Haas, A. W. Holleitner, E. R. Hudson, J. H. Hunt, R. Joynt, S. Koziol, M. Larsen, H. J. Lewandowski, D. T. McClure, J. Palsberg, G. Passante, K. L. Pudenz, C. J. K. Richardson, J. L. Rosenberg, R. S. Ross, M. Saffman, M. Singh, D. W. Steuerman, C. Stark, J. Thijssen, A. N. Vamivakas, J. D. Whitfield, B. M. Zwickl
Quantum Science and Technology 6 (3), 30501 (2021).
Interest in building dedicated quantum information science and engineering (QISE) education programs has greatly expanded in recent years. These programs are inherently convergent, complex, often resource intensive and likely require collaboration with a broad variety of stakeholders. In order to address this combination of challenges, we have captured ideas from many members in the community. This manuscript not only addresses policy makers and funding agencies (both public and private and from the regional to the international level) but also contains needs identified by industry leaders and discusses the difficulties inherent in creating an inclusive QISE curriculum. We report on the status of eighteen post-secondary education programs in QISE and provide guidance for building new programs. Lastly, we encourage the development of a comprehensive strategic plan for quantum education and workforce development as a means to make the most of the ongoing substantial investments being made in QISE.

Ultrafast hot-carrier relaxation in silicon monitored by phase-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy
M. Worle, A. W. Holleitner, R. Kienberger, H. Iglev
Physical Review B 104 (4), L041201 (2021).
The relaxation dynamics of hot carriers in silicon (100) is studied via a holistic approach based on phase-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy with few-cycle optical pulses. After excitation by a sub-5-fs light pulse, strong electron-electron coupling leads to an ultrafast single electron momentum relaxation time of 10 fs. The thermalization of the hot carriers is visible in the temporal evolution of the effective mass and the collision time as extracted from the Drude model. The optical effective mass decreases from 0.3m(e) to about 0.125m(e) with a time constants of 58 fs, while the collision time increases from 3 fs for the shortest timescales with a saturation at approximately 18 fs with a time constant of 150 fs. The observation shows that both Drude parameters exhibit different dependences on the carrier temperature. The presented information on the electron mass dynamics as well as the momentum-, and electron-phonon scattering times with unprecedented time resolution is important for all hot-carrier optoelectronic devices.

The role of chalcogen vacancies for atomic defect emission in MoS2
E. Mitterreiter, B. Schuler, A. Micevic, D. Hernangomez-Perez, K. Barthelmi, K. A. Cochrane, J. Kiemle, F. Sigger, J. Klein, E. Wong, E. S. Barnard, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Lorke, F. Jahnke, J. J. Finley, A. M. Schwartzberg, D. Y. Qiu, S. Refaely-Abramson, A. W. Holleitner, A. Weber-Bargioni, C. Kastl
Nature Communications 12 (1), 3822 (2021).
For two-dimensional (2D) layered semiconductors, control over atomic defects and understanding of their electronic and optical functionality represent major challenges towards developing a mature semiconductor technology using such materials. Here, we correlate generation, optical spectroscopy, atomic resolution imaging, and ab initio theory of chalcogen vacancies in monolayer MoS2. Chalcogen vacancies are selectively generated by in-vacuo annealing, but also focused ion beam exposure. The defect generation rate, atomic imaging and the optical signatures support this claim. We discriminate the narrow linewidth photoluminescence signatures of vacancies, resulting predominantly from localized defect orbitals, from broad luminescence features in the same spectral range, resulting from adsorbates. Vacancies can be patterned with a precision below 10nm by ion beams, show single photon emission, and open the possibility for advanced defect engineering of 2D semiconductors at the ultimate scale. The relation between the microscopic structure and the optical properties of atomic defects in 2D semiconductors is still debated. Here, the authors correlate different fabrication processes, optical spectroscopy and electron microscopy to identify the optical signatures of chalcogen vacancies in monolayer MoS2.

Controlling exciton many-body states by the electric-field effect in monolayer MoS2
J. Klein, A. Hotger, M. Florian, A. Steinhoff, A. Delhomme, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, F. Jahnke, A. W. Holleitner, M. Potemski, C. Faugeras, J. J. Finley, A. V. Stier
Physical Review Research 3 (2), L022009 (2021).
We report magneto-optical spectroscopy of gated monolayer MoS2 in high magnetic fields up to 28 T and obtain new insights on the many-body interaction of neutral and charged excitons with the resident charges of distinct spin and valley texture. For neutral excitons at low electron doping, we observe a nonlinear valley Zeeman shift due to dipolar spin-interactions that depends sensitively on the local carrier concentration. As the Fermi energy increases to dominate over the other relevant energy scales in the system, the magneto-optical response depends on the occupation of the fully spin-polarized Landau levels (LL) in both K/K' valleys. This manifests itself in a many-body state. Our experiments demonstrate that the exciton in monolayer semiconductors is only a single particle boson close to charge neutrality. We find that away from charge neutrality it smoothly transitions into polaronic states with a distinct spin-valley flavor that is defined by the LL quantized spin and valley texture.

Engineering the Luminescence and Generation of Individual Defect Emitters in Atomically Thin MoS2
J. Klein, L. Sigl, S. Gyger, K. Barthelmi, M. Florian, S. Rey, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, F. Jahnke, C. Kastl, V. Zwiller, K. D. Jons, K. Müller, U. Wurstbauer, J. J. Finley, A. W. Holleitner
Acs Photonics 8 (2), 669-677 (2021).
We demonstrate the on-demand creation and positioning of photon emitters in atomically thin MoS2 with very narrow ensemble broadening and negligible background luminescence. Focused helium-ion beam irradiation creates 100s to 1000s of such mono-typical emitters at specific positions in the MoS2 monolayers. Individually measured photon emitters show anti-bunching behavior with a g(2)(0) similar to 0.23 and 0.27. From a statistical analysis, we extract the creation yield of the He-ion induced photon emitters in MoS2 as a function of the exposed area, as well as the total yield of single emitters as a function of the number of He ions when single spots are irradiated by He ions. We reach probabilities as high as 18% for the generation of individual and spectrally clean photon emitters per irradiated single site. Our results firmly establish 2D materials as a platform for photon emitters with unprecedented control of position as well as photophysical properties owing to the all-interfacial nature.

Gate-Switchable Arrays of Quantum Light Emitters in Contacted Monolayer MoS2 van der Waals Heterodevices
A. Hotger, J. Klein, K. Barthelmi, L. Sigl, F. Sigger, W. Manner, S. Gyger, M. Florian, M. Lorke, F. Jahnke, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, K. D. Jons, U. Wurstbauer, C. Kastl, K. Müller, J. J. Finley, A. W. Holleitner
Nano Letters 21 (2), 1040-1046 (2021).
We demonstrate electrostatic switching of individual, site-selectively generated matrices of single photon emitters (SPEs) in MoS2 van der Waals heterodevices. We contact monolayers of MoS2 in field-effect devices with graphene gates and hexagonal boron nitride as the dielectric and graphite as bottom gates. After the assembly of such gate-tunable heterodevices, we demonstrate how arrays of defects, that serve as quantum emitters, can be site-selectively generated in the monolayer MoS2 by focused helium ion irradiation. The SPEs are sensitive to the charge carrier concentration in the MoS2 and switch on and off similar to the neutral exciton in MoS2 for moderate electron doping. The demonstrated scheme is a first step for producing scalable, gate-addressable, and gate-switchable arrays of quantum light emitters in MoS2 heterostacks.

Ultrafast and Local Optoelectronic Transport in Topological Insulators
J. Kiemle, P. Seifert, A. W. Holleitner, C. Kastl
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 258 (1), 2000033 (2021).
Recently, topological insulators (TIs) were discovered as a new class of materials representing a subset of topological quantum matter. While a TI possesses a bulk band gap similar to an ordinary insulator, it exhibits gapless states at the surface featuring a spin-helical Dirac dispersion. Due to this unique surface band structure, TIs may find use in (opto)spintronic applications. Herein, optoelectronic methods are discussed to characterize, control, and read-out surface state charge and spin transport of 3D TIs. In particular, time- and spatially-resolved photocurrent microscopy at near-infrared excitation can give fundamental insights into charge carrier dynamics, local electronic properties, and the interplay between bulk and surface currents. Furthermore, possibilities of applying such ultrafast optoelectronic methods to study Berry curvature-related transport phenomena in topological semimetals are discussed.

Signatures of a degenerate many-body state of interlayer excitons in a van der Waals heterostack
L. Sigl, F. Sigger, F. Kronowetter, J. Kiemle, J. Klein, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. J. Finley, U. Wurstbauer, A. W. Holleitner
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 42044 (2020).
Atomistic van der Waals heterostacks are ideal systems for high-temperature exciton condensation because of large exciton binding energies and long lifetimes. Charge transport and electron energy-loss spectroscopy showed first evidence of excitonic many-body states in such two-dimensional materials. Pure optical studies, the most obvious way to access the phase diagram of photogenerated excitons, have been elusive. We observe several criticalities in photogenerated exciton ensembles hosted in MoSe2-WSe2 heterostacks with respect to photoluminescence intensity, linewidth, and temporal coherence pointing towards the transition to a coherent many-body quantum state, consistent with the predicted critical degeneracy temperature. For this state, the estimated occupation is approximately 100% and the phenomena survive above 10 K.Y

Light-field and spin-orbit-driven currents in van der Waals materials
J. Kiemle, P. Zimmermann, A. W. Holleitner, C. Kastl
Nanophotonics 9 (9), 2693-2708 (2020).
This review aims to provide an overview over recent developments of light-driven currents with a focus on their application to layered van der Waals materials. In topological and spin-orbit dominated van der Waals materials helicity-driven and light-field-driven currents are relevant for nanophotonic applications from ultrafast detectors to onchip current generators. The photon helicity allows addressing chiral and non-trivial surface states in topological systems, but also the valley degree of freedom in two-dimensional van der Waals materials. The underlying spinorbit interactions break the spatiotemporal electrodynamic symmetries, such that directed currents can emerge after an ultrafast laser excitation. Equally, the light-field of few-cycle optical pulses can coherently drive the transport of charge carriers with sub-cycle precision by generating strong and directed electric fields on the atomic scale. Ultrafast light-driven currents may open up novel perspectives at the interface between photonics and ultrafast electronics.

Atomistic defects as single-photon emitters in atomically thin MoS2
K. Barthelmi, J. Klein, A. Hotger, L. Sigl, F. Sigger, E. Mitterreiter, S. Rey, S. Gyger, M. Lorke, M. Florian, F. Jahnke, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, V. Zwiller, K. D. Jons, U. Wurstbauer, C. Kastl, A. Weber-Bargioni, J. J. Finley, K. Müller, A. W. Holleitner
Applied Physics Letters 117 (7), 70501 (2020).
Precisely positioned and scalable single-photon emitters (SPEs) are highly desirable for applications in quantum technology. This Perspective discusses single-photon-emitting atomistic defects in monolayers of MoS2 that can be generated by focused He-ion irradiation with few nanometers positioning accuracy. We present the optical properties of the emitters and the possibilities to implement them into photonic and optoelectronic devices. We showcase the advantages of the presented emitters with respect to atomistic positioning, scalability, long (microsecond) lifetime, and a homogeneous emission energy within ensembles of the emitters. Moreover, we demonstrate that the emitters are stable in energy on a timescale exceeding several weeks and that temperature cycling narrows the ensembles' emission energy distribution.

Atomistic Positioning of Defects in Helium Ion Treated Single-Layer MoS2
E. Mitterreiter, B. Schuler, K. A. Cochrane, U. Wurstbauer, A. Weber-Bargioni, C. Kastl, A. W. Holleitner
Nano Letters 20 (6), 4437-4444 (2020).
Structuring materials with atomic precision is the ultimate goal of nanotechnology and is becoming increasingly relevant as an enabling technology for quantum electronics/spintronics and quantum photonics. Here, we create atomic defects in monolayer MoS2 by helium ion (He-ion) beam lithography with a spatial fidelity approaching the single-atom limit in all three dimensions. Using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), we confirm the formation of individual point defects in MoS2 upon He-ion bombardment and show that defects are generated within 9 nm of the incident helium ions. Atom-specific sputtering yields are determined by analyzing the type and occurrence of defects observed in high-resolution STM images and compared with with Monte Carlo simulations. Both theory and experiment indicate that the He-ion bombardment predominantly generates sulfur vacancies.

On-site tuning of the carrier lifetime in silicon for on-chip THz circuits using a focused beam of helium ions
P. Zimmermann, A. W. Holleitner
Applied Physics Letters 116 (7), 73501 (2020).
In this study, we demonstrate that a focused helium ion beam allows the local adjustment and optimization of the carrier lifetime in silicon-based photoswitches integrated in ultrafast on-chip terahertz-circuits. Starting with a carrier lifetime of 5.3 ps for as-grown silicon on sapphire, we monotonously reduce the carrier lifetime in integrated switches to a minimum of similar to 0.55 ps for a helium ion fluence of 20x10(15) ions/cm(2). By introducing an analytical model for the carrier lifetimes in the photoswitches, we particularly demonstrate that the carrier lifetime can be adjusted locally even within single photoswitches. In turn, the demonstrated on-site tuning allows optimizing ultrafast high-frequency circuits, into which radiation-sensitive nanoscale materials, such as two-dimensional materials, are embedded. Published under license by AIP Publishing.

Impact of substrate induced band tail states on the electronic and optical properties of MoS2
J. Klein, A. Kerelsky, M. Lorke, M. Florian, F. Sigger, J. Kiemle, M. C. Reuter, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, J. J. Finley, A. N. Pasupathy, A. W. Holleitner, F. M. Ross, U. Wurstbauer
Applied Physics Letters 115 (26), 261603 (2019).
Substrate, environment, and lattice imperfections have a strong impact on the local electronic structure and the optical properties of atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides. We find by a comparative study of MoS2 on SiO2 and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) using scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) measurements that the apparent bandgap of MoS2 on SiO2 is significantly reduced compared to MoS2 on hBN. The bandgap energies as well as the exciton binding energies determined from all-optical measurements are very similar for MoS2 on SiO2 and hBN. This discrepancy is found to be caused by a substantial amount of band tail states near the conduction band edge of MoS2 supported by SiO2. The presence of those states impacts the local density of states in STS measurements and can be linked to a broad red-shifted photoluminescence peak and a higher charge carrier density that are all strongly diminished or even absent using high quality hBN substrates. By taking into account the substrate effects, we obtain a quasiparticle gap that is in excellent agreement with optical absorbance spectra and we deduce an exciton binding energy of about 0.53 eV on SiO2 and 0.44 eV on hBN. Published under license by AIP Publishing.

Site-selectively generated photon emitters in monolayer MoS2 via local helium ion irradiation
J. Klein, M. Lorke, M. Florian, F. Sigger, L. Sigl, S. Rey, J. Wierzbowski, J. Cerne, K. Müller, E. Mitterreiter, P. Zimmermann, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, U. Wurstbauer, M. Kaniber, M. Knap, R. Schmidt, J. J. Finley, A. W. Holleitner
Nature Communications 10, 2755 (2019).
Quantum light sources in solid-state systems are of major interest as a basic ingredient for integrated quantum photonic technologies. The ability to tailor quantum emitters via site-selective defect engineering is essential for realizing scalable architectures. However, a major difficulty is that defects need to be controllably positioned within the material. Here, we overcome this challenge by controllably irradiating monolayer MoS2 using a sub-nm focused helium ion beam to deterministically create defects. Subsequent encapsulation of the ion exposed MoS2 flake with high-quality hBN reveals spectrally narrow emission lines that produce photons in the visible spectral range. Based on ab-initio calculations we interpret these emission lines as stemming from the recombination of highly localized electron-hole complexes at defect states generated by the local helium ion exposure. Our approach to deterministically write optically active defect states in a single transition metal dichalcogenide layer provides a platform for realizing exotic many-body systems, including coupled single-photon sources and interacting exciton lattices that may allow the exploration of Hubbard physics.

Quantized Conductance in Topological Insulators Revealed by the Shockley-Ramo Theorem
P. Seifert, M. Kundinger, G. Shi, X. Y. He, K. H. Wu, Y. Q. Li, A. Holleitner, C. Kastl
Physical Review Letters 122 (14), 146804 (2019).
Crystals with symmetry-protected topological order, such as topological insulators, promise coherent spin and charge transport phenomena even in the presence of disorder at room temperature. We demonstrate how to image and read out the local conductance of helical surface modes in the prototypical topological insulators Bi2Se3 and BiSbTe3. We apply the so-called Shockley-Ramo theorem to design an optoelectronic probe circuit for the gapless surface states, and we find a well-defined conductance quantization at le(2)/h within the experimental error without any external magnetic field. The unprecedented response is a clear signature of local spin-polarized transport, and it can be switched on and off via an electrostatic field effect. The macroscopic, global readout scheme is based on an electrostatic coupling from the local excitation spot to the readout electrodes, and it does not require coherent transport between electrodes, in contrast to the conventional Landauer-Biittiker description. It provides a generalizable platform for studying further nontrivial gapless systems such as Weyl semimetals and quantum spin-Hall insulators.

In-plane anisotropy of the photon-helicity induced linear Hall effect in few-layer WTe2
P. Seifert, F. Sigger, J. Kiemle, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, C. Kastl, U. Wurstbauer, A. Holleitner
Physical Review B 99 (16), 161403 (2019).
Using Hall photovoltage measurements, we demonstrate that a linear transverse Hall voltage can be induced in few-layer WTe2 under circularly polarized light illumination. By applying a bias voltage along different crystal axes, we find that the photon-helicity induced Hall effect coincides with a particular crystal axis. Our results are consistent with the underlying Berry curvature exhibiting a dipolar distribution due to the breaking of crystal inversion symmetry. Using time-resolved optoelectronic autocorrelation spectroscopy, we find that the decay time of the detected Hall voltage exceeds the electron-phonon scattering time by orders of magnitude but is consistent with the comparatively long spin lifetime of carriers in the momentum-indirect electron and hole pockets in WTe2. Our observation suggests that a helicity induced nonequilibrium spin density on the Fermi surface after the initial charge carrier relaxation gives rise to a linear Hall effect.

Toward femtosecond electronics up to 10 THz
N. Fernandez, P. Zimmermann, P. Zechmann, M. Worle, R. Kienberger, A. W. Holleitner
Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXIII 10916, (2019).
We numerically compute the effective diffraction index and attenuation of coplanar stripline circuits with microscale lateral dimensions on various substrates including sapphire, GaN, silica glass, and diamond grown by chemical vapor deposition. We show how to include dielectric, radiative and ohmic losses to describe the pulse propagation in the striplines to allow femtosecond on-chip electronics with frequency components up to 10 THz.

Tuning the Frohlich exciton-phonon scattering in monolayer MoS2
B. Miller, J. Lindlau, M. Bommert, A. Neumann, H. Yamaguchi, A. Holleitner, A. Högele, U. Wurstbauer
Nature Communications 10, 807 (2019).
Charge carriers in semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides possess a valley degree of freedom that allows for optoelectronic applications based on the momentum of excitons. At elevated temperatures, scattering by phonons limits valley polarization, making a detailed knowledge about strength and nature of the interaction of excitons with phonons essential. In this work, we directly access exciton-phonon coupling in charge tunable single layer MoS2 devices by polarization resolved Raman spectroscopy. We observe a strong defect mediated coupling between the long-range oscillating electric field induced by the longitudinal optical phonon in the dipolar medium and the exciton. This so-called Frohlich exciton phonon interaction is suppressed by doping. The suppression correlates with a distinct increase of the degree of valley polarization up to 20% even at elevated temperatures of 220 K. Our result demonstrates a promising strategy to increase the degree of valley polarization towards room temperature valleytronic applications.