About QIP
The international Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP) is the premier annual meeting for theoretical quantum information research. Since the first meeting in Aarhus, Denmark in 1998, the conference has featured breakthroughs by leaders in the disciplines of computing, cryptography, information theory, mathematics, and physics. The scientific objective of the series is to gather the theoretical quantum information community to present and discuss the latest groundbreaking work in the field. Most recently, QIP 2020 was held in Shenzen, China.
QIP 2021 is the 24rd Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing and will be hosted by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST).
The conference will be held ONLINE from the 1st - 5th of February 2021, with tutorials taking place on the 30th and 31st of January.
QIP Charter
The Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP) is an annual conference about quantum computation and information which is usually held around January. Its goal is to represent the preceding year’s best research in the area, in the form of both plenary talks and submitted papers. The conference has no published proceedings, and commonly includes the presentation of work published in proceedings of other conferences or in journals.
Code of Conduct and Online Event Etiquette
All attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers at QIP 2021 are required to read and agree with the following code of conduct. It applies to all virtual event venues and event-related social activities.
The open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the aims and goals of QIP; these require an environment that recognizes the inherent worth of every person and group, that fosters dignity, understanding, and mutual respect, and that embraces diversity. For these reasons, the QIP Steering Committee and local organizers are committed to providing a harassment-free conference experience.
By participating in QIP 2021 you agree to treat everyone with respect, fairly, and use this event for expanding your knowledge and gaining insight into quantum information research. Please support us in upholding a constructive and inspiring atmosphere throughout the event by showing patience, respect, and benevolence towards all participants.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. If a participant engages in unacceptable behavior, the event organizers retain the right to take any actions to keep the conference a welcoming environment for all participants. This includes warning the offender or expulsion from the conference.
If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it as soon as possible. Harassment and other code of conduct violations reduce the value of our event for everyone. We want you to feel comfortable and happy at our event. If you wish to alert us of a code of conduct violation please email qip2021.mcqst[at]tum.de or any of the organizers. We commit to treating this as confidentially and respectfully as possible.
Mind good ethical practices when it comes to copyright and intellectual property. We ask all participants to act in good conscience and with respect towards the work of their peers. Do not make audio or visual (video) recordings of the virtual meeting in any medium –and do not distribute audio or visual (video) recordings of the meetings (via social media or any other means). All talks will be recorded and made available on-demand by the event organizers
See also the
MCQST Community Guidelines.
Steering Committee
The role of the Steering Committee (SC) is to determine the longer-term course of the conference, to decide upon venues for the next conferences, and to select and invite the plenary speakers for each meeting of the conference. It should also serve as a watchdog and make sure there are no obvious mistakes, e.g., in the choice of time of the conference by the local organizing committee. The SC consists of 9 people, including the local organizers of the previous, next, and subsequent QIPs, and is chaired by the local organizer of the next/current QIP. Members typically serve for 3 years, with the 3 longest-serving members being replaced once a year, typically soon after QIP. The current SC decides on the replacement of outgoing SC members. The SC chooses the chair of the programme committee (PC) for the next QIP. Starting typically in late summer, the SC invites up to 5 plenary talks (given by “invited speakers”) which consists of perspective, survey, and/or experimental talks that would not normally be submitted to the conference program. If there is a tutorial program preceding QIP, then the SC will also invite “tutorial speakers”, but otherwise leaves the details of the conference programme to the PC.
Program Committee
The role of the Program Committee (PC) is to select the best submitted papers and to put together a programme for the next QIP. The PC chair chooses the members of the PC (helped by advice from the SC), typically 15 or more people representing the broad range of subfields, including both computer science and physics. The PC chair determines (in cooperation with the SC) the rules for submission and puts out a call for submissions. The selection of talks among the submitted papers is competitive, with typically between 40 and 60 accepted submissions; it is recommended to keep the number of acceptances minimal but the PC has flexibility to accommodate exceptional breadth and quality of submissions in a given year. The PC can designate a few of the best submissions as “plenary” talks (given by “plenary speakers”), which are assigned more time in the program than regular contributed talks (given by “regular speakers”). All regular contributed talks are given in time slots ranging from 20-40 minutes.
Poster submissions will generally be accepted unless they are off-topic or clearly wrong, to enable people to obtain funds for travel. At the discretion of the PC, best poster prizes can be awarded.
Typical Conference Outline
On the days immediately preceding the conference, tutorials can take place, typically each a half or a full day of lectures on a specific topic, aimed at students. If no or only limited tutorials can be offered, this must be decided by the local organizer in conjunction with the SC.
The actual conference takes place from Monday to Friday, with (usually) Wednesday afternoon off for scientific discussions and social excursions.
Each morning and afternoon session starts with a 40- to 45-minute plenary talk, followed by contributed talks. Each talk is followed by 5 minutes for questions and for setting up the next talk.
The poster session(s), business meeting, and a rump session (optional; for short impromptu presentations of very recent results) are held in late afternoons. The poster session forms an integral part of the QIP conference, and activities such as poster prizes or advertisements for excellent posters are encouraged.
Business Meeting
At each QIP there is a business meeting that can be attended by all conference participants, to enable the community to influence the future of QIP democratically. There the organizer for the next QIP gives a presentation, and proposals for the venue of the QIP following the next one are presented and discussed, with an advisory vote taken among the participants. The actual decision about the venue is taken by the SC soon after that. Other organizational matters can also be discussed at the business meeting.
Best Student Paper
QIP features a prize for the best student submission. A submission is eligible for this prize if and only if the main author(s) is/are a student(s) at the time of the submission and will present the work at QIP. Furthermore, a significant portion of the work (at least 60%) must have been done by said student(s), including the majority of the key ideas. Eligibility can only be indicated at the time of submission. All authors are notified if their paper has been labelled as eligible for the student prize, and have 14 days following submission to voice any disagreements about the paper’s nomination to the PC chair. The PC chair is free to ask for any clarifications regarding the students’ contributions at any time.
Conflict of Interest
- SC members cannot be plenary speakers, but PC members can be plenary speakers.
- Both SC and PC members are allowed to submit papers and act as paper presenters if a paper submission is accepted. If the PC chair submits a paper, the PC must make sure that the submission is treated exactly the same as any other, particularly regarding the privacy of both reviewers and discussions concerning submissions. One possible approach is to nominate a “Vice PC Chair” who can handle the submissions for which the PC chair has a conflict of interest, taking discussions outside the chairing system if required.
- PC members must declare a conflict of interest on certain submissions (such as their own) so that they are not involved in the discussion of these papers.
QIP Conferences Since 1998
- 2020, Shenzhen, China
- 2019, Boulder, USA
- 2018, TU Delft, Netherlands
- 2017, QuArC group, Seattle, Washington
- 2016, Banff, Canada
- 2015, Sydney, Australia
- 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- 2013, Tsinghua, China
- 2012, IRO, Montreal
- 2011, CQT, Singapore
- 2010, ETH, Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
- 2009, Santa Fe, New Mexico
- 2008, New Delhi, India
- 2007, Brisbane, Australia
- 2006, Paris, France
- 2005, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
- 2004, Perimeter Institute and Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo
- 2003, MSRI, Berkeley
- 2002, IBM, Yorktown Heights
- 2001, CWI, Amsterdam
- 2000, CRM, Montréal
- 1999, DePaul, Chicago
- 1998, BRICS, Aarhus, Denmark