Alice im Quantenland: Episode 3 is Now Online

25 July 2024

Alice im Quantenland: Auf dem Quantenjahrmarkt

The third episode of the radio play “Alice im Quantenland” is now available to listen to on all popular streaming portals. The radio play, created by the PhotonLab has successfully premiered live at the end of June, 2024 at the FORSCHA and the “Festival der Zukunft” at the Deutsches Museum. This time, Alice, Schrödinger, and Rabbit go to the quantum fair, where there are once again some unusual things to discover and experience.

In this brand new of the radio play “Alice im Quantenland” (available only in German), Alice, Schrödinger, and Rabbit visit the quantum funfair. Just finding the way there was not so easy, because the signposts in quantum land behave differently than we are used to. And Alice is also astonished by everything else. It starts with the treats, which you obviously can't really choose. Mastering a maze is also very different from the world of big things. And then there's the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This is responsible for the fact that Alice can't know exactly where her rabbit Rabbit is in a game of tag. And if that wasn't enough, transparent cans also come into play, which you can throw at but which apparently don't know exactly where they are. The whole thing is very strange. But just listen to the new episode for yourself!

The Alice im Quantenland project is a collaborations between the PhotonLab at Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, the research group attoworld, Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Deutsches Museum and Munich Quantum Valley.

Check out the previous episodes of Alice im Quantenland

  • Alice im Quantenland - Episode 1: Ein Katze namens Schrödinger
  • Alice im Quantenland - Episode 2: Einstein und das Fußballmatch

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