Women in QST with Cindy Regal

17 May 2023
from 11:00 to 13:00

Women in QST with Cindy Regal - University of Colorado / JILA

Women in QST Events

Address / Location

H 402 / LMU Physics

Schellingstr. 4



The Women in QST talk series aims to regularly feature inspiring female scientists from the field of Quantum Science and Technology. Outstanding female researchers are invited to talk about their research and current projects, as well as about their career paths with the QST community.

Women in QST with Cindy Regal

We are excited to welcome Cindy Regal from the University of Colorado and a fellow of JILA, a joint institute between CU Boulder and the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).
Cindy Regal will visit MCQST as a speaker at the MCQST Colloquium on 16 May, where she will give a talk on "Optical readout of a superconducting qubit through a micromechanical membrane".

On 17 May Cindy Regal will visit our labs at LMU, and MCQST will host a Women in QST session with her. There will be the opportunity for women in QST to meet Cindy Regal in an informal setting and ask questions as well as get to know other participants from various QST research institutions.


16 May 2023 - MCQST Colloquium

14:30 - 16:00 | Colloquium talk " Optical readout of a superconducting qubit through a micromechanical membrane" at MPQ

17 May 2023 - Women in QST

11:00-12:00 | Introduction and discussion

12:00-13:00 | Lunch

MCQST Colloquium Talk

Cindy Regal with laser protection glasses bending over an experiement © JILA
Optical readout of a superconducting qubit through a micromechanical membrane

Entangling microwave-frequency superconducting quantum processors through optical light at ambient temperature would enable means of secure communication and distributed quantum information processing. However, transducing quantum signals between these disparate regimes of the electro-magnetic spectrum remains an outstanding goal, and interfacing superconducting qubits with electro-optic transducers presents considerable challenges owing to the deleterious effects of optical photons in superconducting systems. I discuss our recent results on readout of a superconducting transmon qubit through a low backaction electro-optomechanical transducer that harness the large spatial scales of a micromechanical membrane. I will discuss concepts that we employ to isolate membrane phonons on mm-scale devices, and recent results elucidating the effect of thermal gradients on membrane mode temperatures.

About Cindy Regal

Regal is the Baur-SPIE associate professor of physics at the University of Colorado and a fellow of JILA, a joint institute between CU Boulder and the NIST. Her work in experimental quantum science has developed new platforms for the optical manipulation of both atoms and the vibrations of solids. She is a fellow of the American Physical Society.

Registration deadline 16 May 2023.

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