When you know better, do better: The evolution of gender equity in (science) academia

5 October 2023
from 18:00 to 20:00

Former and current MCQST Diversity in Leadership participants join a talk on gender equity by Tana Joseph (AstroComms).

Diversity in Leadership EDI

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LMU | H402 and Online via ZOOM

Schellingstraße 4



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When you know better, do better: The evolution of gender equity in (science) academia with Tana Joseph (AstroComms)

From erasure and exclusion to intersectionality and justice, the fight to further gender equity in academia is not a new one. And as with all social justice work, it has undergone major changes over time. In this lecture I will discuss the ways in which the framework of gender equity in academia has evolved alongside our understandings of gender and indeed equity. I will also touch on what this work could look like in future. Lastly, I will leave the audience with a homework challenge to further the discussion!

This hybrid event is an allumni event for former participants of the MCQST Diversity in Leadership Program (DIL). But is open to other participants from the MCQST community. Please register for online and in person participation until 2 October 2023.

For the current and former DIL participants we will offer free dinner after the talk.

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