Successful cooperation in diverse teams

26 November 2024
from 12:00 to 14:30

Workshop on different approaches to what diversity in teams can mean. Open to Diversity in Leadership cohort only.

Diversity in Leadership EDI

Address / Location

Physics Building

Schellingstr. 4



Successful cooperation in diverse teams

Working in diverse teams can unleash much more creativity and potential, leading to outstanding performance—but this doesn't happen automatically. Individuals from various backgrounds and with different understandings of work culture standards bring varying expectations regarding team members and supervisors. Often, we only become aware of these differing expectations when conflicts arise, causing stress. The session introduces common topics for intercultural misunderstandings and provides tools for effectively navigating them.

About Eliza Skowron: Eliza Skowron, M.A., M.A. (German Studies, German as a Foreign Language, Cultural Studies) was born and raised in Poland and has been living in Munich since 2004. Active as a trainer/consultant since 2002, she works with various German and international target groups in universities, government agencies, scientific institutes and companies. In 2005, she completed a three-year adult education training program at the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg, funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung and MitOst e.V. She is a fellow at the International Communication Institute, Portland, OR, USA. Her areas of expertise include constructive communication, unconscious thought patterns, intercultural competence, and interpersonal skills with an anti-bias approach. She is also the author of several publications on diversity.

This workshop is part of the Diversity in Leadership Program and open to 2024 Diversity in Leadership members only.

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