21 March 2025
from 11:00
Special seminar talk by Mordechai Segev (Technion-Israel)
Address / Location
LMU | Fakultät für Physik, Seminar Room H 107
Schellingstraße 4
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On 21 March 2025, Mordechai (Moti) Segev, Robert J. Shillman Distinguished Professor of Physics and of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Technion, Israel, will give a special talk at the Faculty of Physics of the LMU.
Photonic Time-Crystals and Light-Matter Interactions therein
Abstract: Photonic Time Crystals (PTCs) are dielectric media whose refractive index is strongly modulated periodically in time at time scales of a single optical cycle. These systems conserve momentum but not energy, and are characterized by momentum bands and bandgaps where the amplitudes of their eigenmodes can increase or decrease exponentially.
The fundamentals of PTCs will be introduced along with the classical and quantum features of light-matter interactions in PTCs. Among these, the most notable is the emission of light in PTCs, which opens new avenues for making widely tunable lasers that do not rely on any atomic resonance and draw their energy from the temporal modulation of the medium. Finally, I will discuss recent experimental progress on time-refraction in the regime of a single optical cycle, realizing time-reflection at optical frequencies, and nonlinear optics in such time-varying media.
Tah talk takes place both in-person at the Faculty of Physics, as well as online via zoom.
Attend the talk online
Meeting-ID: 685 8433 4622
Kenncode: 709826