29 September 2022
from 14:00
to 15:30
Afternoon workshop on mental health literacy -- what you need to know to take care of your own mental health and support others in doing so. Workshop open to everyone in the MCQST community.
Address / Location
Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics Room B 0.32 & ONLINE
Hans-Kopfermann-Straße 1
Garching bei München
Mental Health Literacy, or: Things We Can Learn From Our Smartphones
Being aware of mental health is the first step – but what then? Mental health literacy is all about giving you the tools and the knowledge to take care of your own mental health and to support others in doing so. We‘ll talk about what mental health is, how can we tell how we‘re (really) doing and what can we do to stay happy and healthy. You‘ll learn the basics and get to know tools you can use every day to cope better with stress, pressure, anxiety and self-doubts. Workshop led by Dominique de Marne of Mental Health Crowd.