22 September 2020
from 15:00
to 17:00
Digital workshop with Dr. Martin P. Fladerer from the Center for Leadership and People Management, part of the MCQST PIs for Diversity Program.
Address / Location
Leading in Academia. A Primer on Being an Effective PhD Supervisor
As academics we take on a variety of roles (e.g., researcher, teacher, committee member). One of these roles is supervising PhD students – a role that demands us to guide and lead junior researchers.
In this digital session, we tap into the opportunities and challenges of supervising PhD students. We will explore strategies and tools which will help develop an effective working relationship. This, in turn, will facilitate the academic and personal development of your PhD student – and yourself.
- Getting Started (approx. 20min)
- Leadership in Academia: Why? What? How? (approx. 30min)
- B R E A K (10min)
- Effectively Leading PhD Students: Strategies & Tools (approx. 30 min)
- Q&A, Peer-Coaching, Further Inquiries (approx. 30min)

About Dr. Martin P. Fladerer, M.Sc. Psych.
Martin is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Center for Leadership and People Management at LMU Munich and Chair for Research and Science Management at TUM School of Management. He was awarded his PhD by the LMU Munich for his thesis on identity in leadership processes. He studied psychology at the University of Bielefeld (BSc) and LMU Munich (MSc).
Martin‘s research focuses on leadership processes. In particular, he is interested in personal and social identities of leaders and followers. He is also interested in the ethical dimension of leadership. Beyond his academic career, he is a trained systemic coach and consultant. He works with individuals, groups and organizations to explore their potential.
Find out more about Martin Fladerer here.
This event is organized in cooperation and with support of the Center for Leadership and People Management at LMU, for more information on research, courses and events oragnized by the center check out the
This event is part of the MCQST PIs for Diversity Program and mainly addresses senior researchers with leadership responsibilities.