Conflict Management and Mediation

3 May 2021
from 13:00 to 15:30

Conflict Managment Workshop as part of the MCQST Diversity in Leadership Program.

Diversity in Leadership

Address / Location


Conflict Management Workshop

An academic career in physics means to deal with theories, experiments, graphs and numbers. And yet everyone in physics has to work in a team and in cooperation with other people. Conflict management can help understand how missunderstandings can cause arguements. In this workshop we will look at how to take step back and reflect on conflicts and how to approach them. The workshop will also give a short introduction to mediation as a way to handle conflicts.

This workshop is led by Ursula Caser of MediateDomain.

This workshop is part of the MCQST Diversity in Leadership program.

If you are not a participant of the program and would be interested in taking part in such a workshop, please write to us at support[at]

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