28 September 2020
from 17:15
ONLINE Special Colloquium - Dmitry Abanin | Department of Theorerical Physics, University of Geneva
Address / Location
The MCQST Colloquium Series features interdisciplinary talks given by visiting international speakers. The monthly colloquial covers topics spanning all MCQST research units and are available to audiences worldwide. The main goal of the series is to create the framework for idea exchange, to strengthen links with QST leading groups worldwide, as well as to act as an integral part of the local educational environment.
Special Colloquium: Dmitry Abanin
On 28 September 2020 we are excited to welcome MQC visiting guest Dmitry Abanin, Professor in the Department of Theorerical Physics at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. This special edition colloquia is organised jointly by the Münchner Physik-Kolloquium and MCQST.

Non-equilibrium quantum matter through the prism of quantum entanglement
The remarkable experimental advances made it possible to create highly tunable quantum systems of ultracold atoms and trapped ions. These platforms proved to be uniquely suited for probing non-equilibrium behavior of interacting quantum systems. From statistical mechanics, we expect that a non-equilibrium system will thermalize, settling to a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. Surprisingly, there are classes of systems which do not follow this expectation. I will give examples of systems which avoid thermalization, thanks to disorder-induced localization and other mechanisms. While thermalization leads to “scrambling” of quantum information, its absence may protect local quantum coherence. This enables non-equilibrium states of matter not envisioned within the framework of statistical mechanics. I will highlight the recent theoretical insights into the remarkable physical properties of such states, based on the underlying patterns of quantum entanglement. I will finally describe our attempts to find new kinds of non-thermalizing dynamics, and a possible route towards developing a classification of dynamical universality classes in many-body systems.
Talk access
The special colloquium will take place online.
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