10 December 2024
from 14:00
to 16:00
MCQST Colloquium | X-mas edition with Lode Pollet (LMU) & Elena Blundo (WSI - TUM)
Address / Location
MPI of Quantum Optics | Herbert Walther Lecture Hall
Hans-Kopferman-Straße 1
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The MCQST Colloquium Series features interdisciplinary talks given by visiting international speakers. The monthly colloquium covers topics spanning all
MCQST research units and will be broadcast live via Zoom for audiences worldwide. The main goal of the series is to create the framework for idea exchange, to strengthen links with QST leading groups worldwide, as well as to act as an integral part of the local educational environment.
MCQST Colloquium: X-mas edition with MCQST members Lode Pollet and Elena Blundo
We are excited to invite you to the colloquium talks by Lode Pollet (LMU) and Elena Blundo (WSI - TUM).
14:00 | Colloquium talk by Lode Pollet (LMU) on "The spin liquid on the ruby lattice induced by the Rydberg blockade mechanism"
14:45 | Colloquium talk by Elena Blundo (WSI - TUM) on “Unveiling new excitons in two-dimensional heterostructures”
15:30 | Get-togehter and exchange with coffee, plätzchen & glühwein
The spin liquid on the ruby lattice induced by the Rydberg blockade mechanism | Lode Pollet (LMU)

I comment on a recent experiment from Harvard which exploited this mechanism in order to observe the onset of a dynamically prepared, gapped Z2 quantum spin liquid on the ruby lattice (Semgehini et al, Science 374, 1242 (2021)). Quantum spin liquids are exotic states of quantum matter which defy magnetic ordering down to the lowest temperatures but have a topological and emergent lattice gauge structure instead. They have been intensely sought after for the past 30 years, yet escaped experimental detection. The thermodynamic properties of models relevant to the Harvard experiment remain inadequately addressed, yet knowledge thereof is indispensable if one wants to prepare large, robust, and long-lived quantum spin liquids. Using large scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we find in the PXP model a renormalized classical spin liquid with constant entropy density approaching log(2)/6 in the thermodynamic limit for all moderate and large values of the detuning. This is seen starting from temperatures of the order of the Rabi frequency down to the lowest temperatures we could simulate, which are about 100 times lower. With the experimentally relevant Van der Waals interactions, constant entropy plateaus are still found, but their value shifts with the detuning. I comment on the adiabatic approximation to the dynamical ramps for the electric degrees of freedom, and the magnitude of the observed string parity order parameters, which leads to a re-interpretation of the Harvard experiment.
Ref. Z. Wang and L. Pollet, arXiv:2406.07110 (2024)
About Lode Pollet
Lode Pollet studied civil engineering, option physics at the University of Gent, Belgium, where he also obtained his PhD in theoretical physics in 2005, focusing on condensed matter aspects of ultracold atomic gases. Following postdocs at ETH Zurich with Matthias Troyer, UMass Amherst with Nikolay Prokof'ev and Boris Svistunov, and Harvard with Eugene Demler, he joined the LMU physics department in October 2011 where he obtained tenure in 2015. His awards include an ERC starting and consolidator grant, he was co-winner of the Newcomb-Cleveland prize 2010-2011 and is a member of the Wilczek Quantum Center. His research interests include quantum Monte Carlo simulations, strongly-correlated many-body systems, supersolidity, first-principles calculations of ultracold atomic systems, disordered systems, quantum phase transitions, quantum spin liquids, quantum simulation, quantum computation and machine learning.
Unveiling new excitons in two-dimensional heterostructures | Elena Blundo (WSI - TUM)

About Elena Blundo
Elena Blundo studied Physics at Sapienza, University of Rome, where she also got her PhD in 2023. During her Master’s degree and PhD, she carried out her research in the group of Prof. Antonio Polimeni, where she investigated the optoelectronic properties of nanostructures and especially of two-dimensional (2D) materials. Her studies were mainly focused on unveiling the effects of strain on the optoelectronic, mechanical and vibrational properties of 2D semiconductors. In 2024, Elena Blundo became a MCQST Distinguished Postdoc fellow at the Walter Schottky Institute of the Technical University of Munich. Therein, she is exploring new strategies to achieve controllable quantum emitters in 2D heterostructures.