Session #1 moderators
Immanuel Bloch (LMU/MPQ) & Alexander Holleitner (TUM)
Tuesday, 7 July 2020 | 12:00 - 14:30 CEST
Anna Lena Giesecke | Head of Photonics
Integrated photonics for quantum applications
- waveguides integrated technologies for quantum computing, quantum sensing & quantum communication
- fabrication capabilities for quantum applications for research and industry
- fast prototyping platform for quantum devices
attocube systems AG
Clemens Schäfermeier | Team Lead InnoVision
Enabling technology for quantum sensing & metrology
For more than 3 decades, classical scanning probe microscopy has been the tool of choice for studying surface effects on the nanoscale. Over the recent years, pioneers in the field have managed to employ new quantum sensors such as those based on NV centers in diamond to achieve true leaps in sensitivity and resolution. Amongst the many fields of applications for such sensors, magnetic imaging, and optical detection of phase transition under high pressure play a central role. attocube supports the efforts to establish these new techniques for a broad range of users through providing unique and user-friendly platforms for optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR), as well as high pressure physics. Our ultra-low vibration cryostats, combined atomic force and confocal microscopy platforms, and nanoprecise positioners form the basis for research at the forefront of science. To find out how we can boost your research in quantum sensing at low or variable temperature, feel free to come to our round table for discussions with our experts.
OHB System AG
Bettina Heim | System Engineer
Quantum Technologies at OHB
In 2016, OHB established an internal Quantum Technologies Working Group, consolidating the company’s long-standing expertise in the area of Quantum Technologies.
The working group is formed by experts (scientists/PhDs/Post-Docs with a background in Quantum Optics), and colleagues from other relevant directorates and departments (Predevelopment, Systems Engineering, Business Development). The identified high-level topics covered by OHB are:
- Quantum Key Distribution
- Quantum Sensors
- Optical Atomic Space Clocks
The main goal of the OHB Working Group is to establish OHB as a major partner in the realization of quantum space missions, aiming to transfer European research into the technology of tomorrow. The working group is actively providing inputs to Quantum Technologies Roadmaps in Europe, is already working on projects that are targeting the topics and is actively looking for new ones and even further, creating new ones based on the potential current needs in the society. The working group is thus serving as the bridge between the scientific community and a final space project, providing all the knowledge on the industrial side and on the “space-ification” of the instruments and experiments.
qutools GmbH
Henning Weier | Business Development
qutools - tools for quantum physics
In 2005 the company was founded at the quantum physics lab at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. It provided “tools” for “quantum physics” – so they named the company qutools.
We believe quantum physics thrives on observation. Communicating it in an understandable way encourages not only enthusiasm for natural sciences, but can also generate real value for the society.
In order to convey the importance of quantum physics to future generations, it is necessary to make its basic principles accessible to society as a whole. This doesn't work only with theory, but rather through practical mediation.
The Quantenkoffer - our quantum physics science kit - enables a practical revision of the basic principles of quantum physics and ensures that this knowledge reaches the people - in schools, universities, but also into public space. The physics experiments that can be carried out with it are so diverse, that its possibilities of use are also very flexible.
The Quantenkoffer is not just another training instrument, but a step towards disseminating the findings of quantum physics to the public sphere - with the positive consequences of a scientifically thinking society, more awareness for mankind, nature and our existence in the universe.
TOPTICA Photonics AG
Wilhelm Kaenders | Member of Executive Board, CTO
TOPTICA’s engagement in the field of Quantum Technologies
How to convert academic breakthroughs and inventions into technical innovations?
What is present and what is lacking in the Quantum Revolution process today?
What are the strategic needs behind national and international activities and how can QT support this?
How and why do we generate national technology champions in fields that are not covered on national level today?
How long will we continue to have "open skies" for Quantum Technology? Will we still need this for the future?

Session #2 moderators
Rudolf Gross (TUM/WMI) & Jonathan Finley (TUM)
Tuesday, 7 July 2020 | 12:00 - 14:30 CEST
Infineon Technologies AG
Sebastian Luber | Director Technology & Innovation
A Semiconductor Corporation View on Quantum Technologies
Quantum technologies based on influencing individual quantum systems have gained increasing attention during the last decade in academic research as well as in the private sector. Especially the bright prospects of quantum computing are being discussed prominently on information technology events and in the media. Cleary, the effect on the business of traditional semiconductor companies e.g. in the field of security technologies could be large, potentially even disruptive. Hence, Infineon Technologies has already engaged in the research on quantum technologies in collaboration with leading academic experts. In this talk, I will give an industry view on the prospects of quantum technologies sharing insights into related research activities at Infineon.
Chat with Sebastian Luber at the Infineon virtual booth (Room I. 06):
- Tue, July 9th: 15:40 – 16:00
- Tue, July 9th: 17:10 – 18:00
- Wed, July 10th: 13:10 – 14:30
IQM Germany
Enrique Solano | CEO
Co-Design Quantum Computers
Co-Design Quantum Computers are specific-purpose quantum architectures designed to optimize bespoke quantum algorithms, for client-requested models and industrial bottlenecks. Such quantum computers can reach quantum advantage without suffering the predicted quantum winter. Along these lines, we would like to discuss our plans for designing and building Co-Design Quantum Computers in Munich, Germany. We believe that the matching between NISQ architectures and digital error-corrected quantum algorithms is the worst possible and can be improved. In that sense, Co-Design Quantum Computers attack the heart of the problem, that one of optimizing the mapping of a given problem onto a suitable architecture. Paradigmatic examples of our approach are Digital-Analog Quantum Computing (DAQC), Digital-Adiabatic Quantum Computing (DAdQC), Neuromorphic Quantum Computing (NeuroQC), among others.
kiutra GmbH
Alexander Regnat | CEO
Rapid testing at cryogenic temperatures: New possibilities for basic science and quantum technology development
Cooling devices providing temperatures well below 1 K are a key prerequisite for modern research and development in materials science, quantum electronics and detector applications.
Commercially available state-of-the art cooling solutions typically require the rare and costly helium isotope helium-3. An alternative and cost-effective way to reach sub-Kelvin temperatures is the adiabatic demagnetization technique. Here, cryogenic temperatures are generated by exploiting the magnetocaloric effect of various solid-state cooling media. While such refrigerators typically provide single-shot cooling only, kiutra now provides the first commercially available ADR cryostats for continuous cooling at sub-Kelvin temperatures.
At this round we invite researchers from universities and companies to join the dialog on challenges of quantum technology development at low temperatures. What are the drawbacks with current solutions and where should cryogenics-companies focus to meet current and future requirements?
Leibniz Supercomputing Centre LRZ
Luigi Iapichino | Lead of Quantum Computing
Fostering the convergence of HPC and Quantum Computing from a supercomputing centre perspective
- Academic and industrial community building: QC in Bavaria
- HPC/QC integration
- Quantum Computing simulations on HPC systems
- Resource evaluation: what QC users need (and will need)
- Education and training requirements for QC.
Chat with Luigi Iapichino at the LRZ virtual booth in Room I.09:
- Monday 9:30 - 11:30; 14:30 - 17:00 (CEST)
- Wednesday 9:30 - 11:30 (CEST)
Quantum Business Network UG
Johannes Verst | CEO and Founder
Quantum technologies will enable us to solve global and societal challenges. But since they are the deepest of deeptech, nobody is able to create the quantum future alone.
Join the discussion on key factors for strengthening the German and the European quantum community and accelerating its transformation to a strong quantum industry.

Session #3 moderators
Ignacio Cirac (MPQ/TUM) & Simone Warzel (TUM)
Tuesday, 7 July 2020 | 12:00 - 14:30 CEST
Session #3
BMW Research
Thomas Hubregtsen | Lead Quantum Computing
Quantum Use-Cases in the Automotive
- Quantum computing use-cases
- Quantum accelerated Machine Learning
- Industry vs academia
- Career paths in industry
data cybernetics
Carsten Blank | Partner
Freelance Consulting in Quantum Computing Applications
Many companies ask themselves, if they could profit from quantum computation or if they will miss out on business opportunities that their competitors might take advantage of. However, many are unwilling to invest the amounts in funds to find out, especially since hiring of experts can be difficult. Freelance consulting is a strong solutions for exactly these situations. Although it is true that current industry demand is low, it will become an active area.
Our partnership, data cybernetics, a small partnership located in Landsberg near Munich, works primarily on consulting in software engineering, data science and technical project management. As part of an early adaptor strategy, we started to delve into the topic of quantum algorithmic design in 2016. This has resulted in two publications (npj and PLA) on quantum machine learning which has drawn international attention. The partnership's main drive is to understand what questions industry might have regarding this new technology and demonstrate its use by aiming to provide open access research and open source code.
With about 15% of his time, founding partner Carsten Blank does research while 85% he is working on consulting projects. Since 2020 research is fiscally supported, but many funding instruments available for academia remain unreachable. Recent BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) funding calls are changing this picture, opening opportunities for small partnerships and firms to gain knowledge and experience. However, maintaining income and creating science remains a balancing act, which our firm could already gather some experience on.
The topic to discuss is how to establish a freelance consulting industry in Germany and beyond? What skills must consulting firms seek for in their consultants? How much time should be allocated to research? How can scientific research outside of academia be funded and supported?
Chat with Carsten Blank at the virtual data:cybernetics booth in Room I.12:
- Tuesday, 14:30 - 15:30 (CEST)
Data:Lab Munich // VW
Martin Leib | Quantum Algorithm Researcher
Quantum Computing in the Volkswagen Group
- Quantum Advantage
- NISQ Algorithms
Google Germany
Thomas O'Brien | Research Scientist
Quantum computing on the road to fault-tolerance