Present your research at our virtual poster session!
At MCQST we do like a good challenge. This might include solving the mysteries of the quantum realm or even organizing an interactive virtual poster session – we do not shy away from such tasks.
This year’s poster session will take place in a virtual 3D environment, which simulates a conventional poster session. The space consists of seven gallery rooms, where posters are displayed on virtual walls. We do our best to offer a similar experience to the classic poster sessions, with an emphasis on interactions. You just need to bring your own beer and prezles.
Check out the 105 international scientific posters.
We are pleased to announce the #MCQST2020 poster awards.
Poster Awards
- 1st place - Lukas Sigl | Poster F.14“Condensation signatures of photogenerated interlayer excitons in a van der Waals heterostack”
- 2nd place - Samarth Vadia | Poster F.15 “High-finesse tunable cavity in a closed-cycle cryogenic system”
- 3rd place - Matthias C. Caro | Poster A.02 “Pseudo-dimension of quantum circuits”
Annotations Award
- Esther Cruz | Poster C.02 "Towards the certification of random numbers from ground state preparation of 2D local Hamiltonians"
Twitter Awards
- Amit Devra - tweet with the most likes
- The first 10 tweets posted with #mcqst2020 got a free lunch on July 7th.
The prizes consist of travel funds that can be used to finance your participation at a Quantum Sscience and Technology (QST) conference or a research stay in another QST group.
A big thank you to all participating poster presenters for joining us at MCQST2020 with creative annotations and really well designed posters.
Make the most of the virtual format – you have the possibility to enhance your poster with “annotations”. You can add up to five media (text, images, video, audio, voice) elements relevant to your project.
Poster sessions are held on Mon & Wed around lunch time. You will then “present” your poster as you would do at a real conference, only via a video chat session. Here, visitors can easily pop-in and discuss with you.
Your creativity and poster skills are awarded - best participating posters, most creative annotations, engagement on Twitter. See prize details below.
All you need to know
To make things easier and ensure success, we have prepared a few guidelines to help with the poster design.
- Your poster is displayed on a virtual poster wall in one of the seven dedicated galleries, each room representing one of the research units (RU) within MCQST. Upon registration, please choose the two most relevant RUs for your poster.
- There will be two live poster sessions on 6 and 8 July from 1:10 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. (CET). During this time, you should be available for questions and discussions via video chat - similar to classical poster sessions, only this time from the comfort of your own home or lab (as long as you follow the health regulations of your institute).
- Your poster will be on display for the entire conference. You can always meet there with a colleague and discuss.
Poster Guidelines
- Layout & size: portrait
- DPI 300 & RGB colour
- File Type: PDF, max. 2MB
- Font sizes at least 24 pt
- Add up to 5 annotations, visibile upon mouse-over. See the image to the right to get an idea of how they will be displayed.
Submission deadline
Please make sure to send us your poster & annotations by 22. June at the latest.

The annotations are additional media or text elements that you can add to your poster on five distinct areas. Annotations are only visible when users go over the annotation with their mouse (see photo above).
The purpose of the annotations is to extend the information provided on your poster with additional relevant information. These can be videos, photos and graphics (PNG), text, links.
There are five areas, marked as in the image to the right. The overlay marking the five areas will not be visible on your poster. We have made the mockup only to demonstrate the fixed distinct annotations areas. Each area can correspond to a certain annotation.
Examples of annotations: graphics or photos, videos of the experiments, additional text infomation on the bigger picture of your project, voice messages of you explaining you project in 1 minute.
You can download the annotation’s overlay to test it over your poster.
We encourage you to make the most of this unique functionality. As an added incentive, we will award the most creative annotations with a travel award of up to 1000 €.
Please sumbit your annotations as separate files, numbered according to the example to the right to make sure they will be set in the right place.

Twitter Campaign
Inspired by the huge success of the Photonics Online Meetup (POM) with their virtual poster session, we wish to extend the poster session to Twitter as well. We challenge you to join in, not by posting your poster, but rather a teaser for it - something that will spark curiosity and excitement for your research.
Rules of the game
- Post a photo, a video, a gif, a riddle, or even one of your annotations related to the poster you will present at MCQST2020.
- Tweet anytime between 1 and 8 July (at noon CET the latest).
- Use #mcqst2020. This way we can retweet your post at @mcqst_cluster.
Why Twitter?
- There is a growing international scientific community present here and we want to encourage you to join the conversation on #scitwitter.
- Interested MCQST2020 participants get a peek at your project and will have a better idea of what questions to ask you at the poster session.
- Wider outreach for your research.
Don’t have a Twitter account? If you always wanted to try it out, now is the time!
If you are not interested in joining Twitter, but want to participate in our challenge, just send us your text & media at and we will post it through our account.
1st Place - 2000 €
2nd Place - 1000 €
3rd Place - 500 €
The travel awards may be used to finance the participation at a QST conference or a research stay in another QST group.
We will award the most creative annotations that enhance the information on your poster with a travel award of 1000 €.
The first 10 tweets posted respecting the rules of the game will get free lunch on the 7 July.
Just order from your favorite restaurant and we will reimburse your costs up to 20€ / poster.
The tweet with the most likes on the 8 July at noon CET will receive a travel award of 500€.
Good scientific practice & code of conduct
Keep in mind the good ethical practices when it comes to copyright and intellectual property.
In an attempt to minimize any possible infringement on intellectual property, we do not offer download options for the participating posters. Please also consider that due to the nature of the virtual format, some things are out of our control. Therefore, we strongly encourage all participants to act in good conscious and with respect towards the work of their peers.
Please note that by participating at MCQST 2020 you agree to treat everyone with respect, fairly, and use this event for expanding your knowledge and gaining insight into other research projects. Please support us in upholding a constructive and inspiring atmosphere throughout the event by showing patience, respect and benevolence towards all participants.