14 - 17 May 2024 | Sonthofen

MCQST 2024

News & Events

Mari Carmen Bañuls accepts a permanent W2 position

Dr. Bañuls, MCQST RU-B co-coordinator, is launching her own W2 research group at MPQ.

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Thomas Udem wins ERC Advanced Grant

In the project H-SPECTR, scientists aim to measure the energies of selected transitions in the hydrogen atom with unprecedented precision.

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Nora Brambilla awarded ERC Advanced Grant

Nora Brambilla has been awarded the ERC Advanved Grant for her “EFT-XYZ” project, aimed at investigating new forms of matter.

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Girls' Day: Forscherin für einen Tag: Eine unglaubliche Reise ins Quantenland!

Tauche mit uns ab in die winzige Welt der Quanten und lass dich überraschen!

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Research News

Quantum Systems Out of Equilibrium

Theorists at MPQ are one step closer to understanding the evolution of quantum many body systems over time. The team formulated an algorithm to simulate the dynamics of quantum systems consisting of many particles out of equilibrium – a notoriously difficult task.

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Unveiling Secrets of Electron-Phonon Interactions

A new study by an international team provides new insights into electron-phonon interactions occurring within bilayer graphene.

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Chemistry Takes an Ultracold Turn

Researchers create tetratomic supermolecules at a so far unprecedented low-temperature - a scientific breakthrough with implications for research into ultracold chemistry and quantum materials.

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Spin-Based Quantum Technology In a 2D Material

Researchers made a significant milestone by using spin defects as optically active quantum bits (qubits) in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), a well-known 2D material.

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Midterm Report

Four years of collaborative excellence in shaping the Munich quantum ecosystem

As we reflect on the first four years of our journey, we are thrilled to share the remarkable progress and accomplishments that have shaped our vibrant community. From the initial conceptualization on paper to the dynamic reality we now inhabit, the experience has been both challenging and exceptionally rewarding.


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